School Days chords

Transpose 0
Capo 5
(all chords relative to capo)

Intro: [C] [F] [C] [G]

[C]In Delaware when [F]I was younger

[C]I would live [G]a life obscene

[C]In the spring [F]I had great hunger

[C]I was Brando, [G]I was Dean

[Em]Blaspheming booted blue jeaned baby boy

[Em]Oh, how I made them turn their heads

[Em]The townie brownie girls, they jumped for joy

[G]And begged me bless them in their beds

[C] [F] [C] [G]

[C]In Delaware when [F]I was younger

[C]I would row [G]upon the lake

[C]In the spring I [F]had great hunger

[C]I was Keats, [G]I was Blake

[Em]My pimpled pencilled pains I'd bring

[Em]To frogs who sat entranced

[Em]My drift dream ditties I would sing

[G]The water striders danced

[C] [F] [C] [G]

[C]In Delaware when [F]I was younger

[C]They thought St. Andrew [G]had sufficed

[C]But in the spring I [F]had great hunger

[C]I was Buddha, [G]I was Christ

[Em]You wicked wise men, where's your wonder?

[Em]You Pharisees one day will pay

[Em]See my lightning, hear my thunder

[G]I am truth, I know the way

[C] [F] [C] [G]

[C]In Delaware when [F]I was younger

End on [C]
Used chords