Dilated To Meet You chords

Transpose 0
[C]We're wondering when you will arrive
[Em]We're wondering what you'll be
[Dm]We're wondering if [Am]you'll be a her
[G]Or if you'll [C]be a he

[Em] (Fill)

[C]Maybe you'll arrive today
[Em]Perhaps tomorrow night
[Dm]We're hoping you won't [Am]hurt too much
[G]And that you'll [C]be all right

[C]Life has a few unpleasantries
[Em]We may as well confess
[Dm]We suppose you'll [Am]cry a lot
[G]And that you'll [C]be a mess

There is one thing you should know well
[Em]Of this there is no doubt
[Dm]You cannot get [Am]inside again
[G]Once you have [C]come out

[C]Even though there's trouble
[Em]Even though there's fuss
[Dm]We really think [Am]you'll like it here
[G]We hope that you [C]like us
Used chords