Grown Man chords

Transpose 0
You got a grown man for a boyfriend, [G]
So you be[C]tter treat him just like a ba[G]by.
He's a s[D]aint on Sunday, he's a b[C]um on Monday;
The res[D]t of the week he's just cr[C]azy.

He's unpr[G]edictable, like an animal,
Proud as an ea[C]gle, big and strong like a b[G]ear;
He's a sna[D]ke and a frog, he's a pi[C]g and a dog;
There[C]'s a menagerie that's living in the[D]re.

You'll be his pr[G]incess--forever after, yes--
If you keep a[C]cting like you're always [G]sixteen.
He is the ki[D]ng, ruling the kingdom's his th[C]ing;
c D (don't you forget it)
Just remember his mother is queen.

interlude A-----D--A E D----E You can pick these chords however you like.

Sometimes he [A]fools around when he goes out of town
But sooner or l[D]ater he's bound to get cau[A]ght.
H[E]e loves coming home, bu[D]t then he has to roam;
Mr. [D]Ambivalence is the guy that you[E]'ve got.

He's got some pr[A]oblems--no, you can't solve them--
He's got[D] some goblins he can't exo[A]rcise.
Mostly he[E] wants to cry, he's afraid to [D]die,
[D]But he's living life like it's a booby pr[E]ize.

He wishes [A]he were young, a little better hung,
And he[D]'s paranoid you feel that way[A] too;
So re[E]assure him, you'll never cure[D] him,
[D]But he still needs his daily dose of y[E]ou.

Repeat Chorus..... to end
Used chords