Disney Girls chords

Trans. 0
[E] [B] [A]
[E] [F#m7] [G#m]
[A] [A/G#] [F#7] [A/B]

C[E]learing skies and d[E/D#]rying eyes
Now I s[A/C#]ee your smile [F#m7]
D[A/B]arkness goes and s[B7]oftness shows
A c[Emaj7]hanging style [E] [F#m7] [G#m]
J[E]ust in time w[E/D#]ords that rhyme
Well b[A/C#]less your soul [F#m7]
Now I'll f[A/B]ill your hands
With k[B7]isses and a T[Emaj7]ootsie Roll

Oh re[D]ality, it's n[A]ot for me
And it m[E]akes me laugh [E7]
Oh, f[D7]antasy world and D[A]isney girls
I'm c[E]oming back [Edim] [B]

P[E]atti Page and s[E/D#]ummer days
On [A/C#]old Cape Cod [F#m7]
H[A/B]appy times m[B7]aking wine
In m[Emaj7]y garage [E] [F#m7] [G#m]
C[E]ountry shade and l[E/D#]emonade
Guess I'm s[A/C#]lowing down [F#m7]
It's a t[A/B]urned back world
With a l[B7]ocal girl
In a s[Emaj7]maller town

O[D]pen cars and c[A]learer stars
That's wh[E]at I've lacked [E7]
But f[D7]antasy world and D[A]isney girls
I'm c[E]oming back [Edim] [B]

[C#m7] Love... Hi Rick and Dave
Hi Pop... Well good mo[F#m7]rning mom
L[B]ove... Get up guess what
I'm in love with a g[Emaj7]irl I found
S[A]he's really s[B]well

Cause she likes
Ch[Ebdim]urch, bingo c[C#7]hances
And [F#7]old time d[C#7]ances [Bb/C] [C]

A[F]ll my life I s[F/E]pent the night
With d[Bb/D]reams of you [Gm7]
And the w[Bb/C]armth I missed
And for the t[C7]hings I wished
They're[Fmaj7] all coming true
I've got my l[F]ove to give
And a p[F/E]lace to live
Guess I'm g[Bb/D]onna stay [Gm7]
It'd be a p[Bb/C]eaceful life
With a f[C7]orever wife
And a k[Fmaj7]id someday [F]

It's e[Eb]arlier nights
And p[Bb]illow fights
And y[F]our soft laugh
F[Eb7]antasy world and D[Bb]isney girls
I'm c[F]oming back [Fdim] [C]

[F] [F/E] [Bb/D] [Gm7] [Bb/C] [C7] [Fmaj7]
[F] [F/E] [Bb/D] [Gm7]
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