Of A Friday Night chords

Transpose 0
[Bm]Just across [Em]from the hospital
S[Bm]till in sight [Em]of the red lights
[Bm]A couple blocks [Em]from the orthodox church
T[Bm]hat's where the old [Em]poet lived
[Bm]In his eyeglasses [Em]and his necktie
[Bm]At the window lo[Em]oking down
[Bm]On the young men p[Em]assing by
[Bm]On the fullness [Em]of the town

F[E]ull of them g[D]ood time ga[A]mblers
F[E]ull of their re[D]stless wiv[A]es
F[E]ull of them [D]midnight w[A]riters
[E]Out in the [D]quarter on a [A]Friday night
[E]Out in the b[D]rightness of a [A]Friday night

[Bm]And the big horns blowed [Em]and the pianos played
[Bm]And the music r[Em]ose to the old man's ears
[Bm]I guess thos[Em]e were the olden days
[Bm]I guess tho[Em]se were the golden years

And n[E]ow the town is empty
E[D]mpty as a mirror
E[A]mpty as the harbor and the b[D]arber's chair
[E]Where did the [D]old poet go?
[A]I asked around
[E]Nobody know[A]s [D] [E] [D] [A]

[Bm]Maybe I [Em]came too early
[Bm]Maybe I c[Em]ame too late
[Bm]I'm waiting in the shadows of th[Em]e scaffolds
[Bm]Of the old cafés where you told me[Em] to wait
[Bm]And I've got this l[Em]ingering feeling
[Bm]It's like I've sli[Em]pped between
[Bm]Finger of the c[Em]entury
[Bm]I know you know what I[Em] mean

I[E]'ll be a g[D]ood time ga[A]mbler
[E]I'll be a res[D]tless w[A]ife
[E]I'll be a mid[D]night wri[A]ter
[E]Out in the qua[D]rter on a Fr[A]iday night
C[E]all me g[D]ood time ga[A]mbler
C[E]all me a r[D]estless w[A]ife
C[E]all me a mi[D]dnight w[A]riter
[E]Out in the q[D]uarter on a F[A]riday night
[E]Out in the b[D]rightness of a F[A]riday night
[E]Call me the br[D]ightness of a Fr[A]iday
[E] night
Used chords