Geordie Child 209 chords

Transpose 0
[C] [G] [F] [C] [G] [C] [F]
[F] [C] [Am] [G] [F]
[G] [F] [C] [F]

As [C]I walked out over London Bridge
On a [Am]misty morning e[G]arly
I o[F]verheard a [G]fair pretty maid
Cry[F]ing for the[C] life of her[F] Geordie
S[F]addle me a mi[C]lk white steed
B[Am]ridle me a p[G]ony
I[F]'ll ride down to L[G]ondon town
And I'll[F] beg for the [C]life of my [F]Geordie [C] [F]

[F]And when she came to the c[C]ourthouse steps
The p[Am]oor folks numbered m[G]any
A [F]hundred crowns she p[G]assed around
Saying, [F]Pray for the l[C]ife of my G[F]eordie
[F]He never stole a mule or[C] a mare
H[Am]e never murdered a[G]ny
I[F]f he shot one of the k[G]ing's wild deer
I[F]t was only to f[C]eed his f[F]amily [C] [F]

A[F]nd then she strode through the [C]marble hall
B[Am]efore the judge and the j[G]ury
D[F]own on her bended k[G]nee she falls
Cry[F]ing for the l[C]ife of her Ge[F]ordie
H[F]e never stole, he never [C]slew
H[Am]e never murdered a[G]ny
H[F]e never injured any of[G] you
S[F]pare me the lif[C]e of my G[F]eordie

[C] [G] [F] [C] [G] [F] [C] [Am] [C] [G] [F] [G] [F] [C] [F]

T[F]he judged looked over his left [C]shoulder
A[Am]nd said I'm sorry for the[G]e
M[F]y pretty fair maide you've c[G]ome too late
He'[F]s been co[C]ndemed a[F]lready
But s[F]ix pretty babes I [C]had by him
The se[Am]venth one lies in my bo[G]dy
And [F]I would bear them all ov[C]er again
If you g[F]ive me the li[C]fe of my Ge[F]ordie

[C] [F]
[F] [C]

[F]Your Geordie will hang from a silver c[C]hain
S[Am]uch as we don't ha[G]ng many
A[F]nd he'll be lain in a [G]coffin brave
F[F]or your six fin[C]e sons to[F] carry [C] [F]
[F]I wish I had you in a pub[C]lic square
The w[Am]hole town gathered aro[G]und me
With m[F]y broadsword and a pi[G]stol too
I'd fight yo[F]u for the l[C]ife of my Ge[F]ordie
Used chords