O Children chords
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[Em] xxxx / [C] xxx / [Am] xxxx / [G] xxx [D] xxx
[Em] xxxx Pass me that lovely little gun
[C] xxx My dear, my darling one
[Am] xxxx The cleaners are coming, one by one
[G] xxx You don't e[D]venx want to let them start
[Em] xxxx / [C] xxx / [Am] xxxx /( [G] xxx D)
[Em] xxxx They are knocking now upon your door
[C] xxx They measure the room, they know the score
[Am] xxxx They're mopping up the butcher's floor
[G] xxx Of your broken l[D]ittlex hearts
[Em] xxxx [C] xxx [Am] xxxx O [G] xxx chil [D] drenx
[Em] xxxx Forgive us now for what we've done
[C] xxx It started out as a bit of fun
[Am] xxxx Here, take these before we run away
[G] xxx The keys t[D]oxx the gulag
[Em] xxxx Oooo chi [Cmaj7] ldrenxx
[G] xxx Lift up your v[D]oice,x lift up your voic [Em] exxx
[Cmaj7] xxxxxxx Children
[G] xxx Rejo[D]ice,x rejo[Em]icex [C] xxx [Am] xxxx [G] xxx [D] xxx
[Em] xxxx / [C] xxx / [Am] xxxx / [G] xxx [D] xxx
[Em] Herex comes Frank and poor old Jim
[C]They'rex gathering round with all my friends
[Am]We'rex older now, the light is dim
[G]Andx you are onl[D]yxx just beginning
[Em] xxxx [C] xxx [Am] xxxx O [G] xxx chil[D]drenx
[Em]Wexx have the answer to all your fears
[C]It'sx short, it's simple, it's crystal clear
[Am]It'sx round about, it's somewhere here
[G]Lostx amongst [D] xxx our winnings
[Em] xxxx Oooo chi [Cmaj7] ldrenxx
[G] xxx Lift up your v[D]oice,x lift up your voic [Em] exxx
[Cmaj7] xxxxxxx Children
[G] xxx Rejo[D]ice,x rejo[Em]icex [C] xxx [Am] xxxx [G] xxx [D] xxx
[Em]Thex cleaners have done their job on you
[C]They'rex hip to it, man, they're in the groove
[Am]They'vex hosed you down, you're good as new
[G]Andx they're lining up [D] xxx to inspect you
[Em](Verse x [C])xx [Am] xxxx [G] xxx [D] xxx
[Em]Poorx old Jim's white as a ghost
[C]He'sx found the answer that we lost
[Am]We'rex all weeping now, weeping because
[G]Therex ain't nothing we can [D] dox to protect you
[Em] xxxx Oooo chi [Cmaj7] ldrenxx
[G] xxx Lift up your v[D]oice,x lift up your voic [Em] exxx
[Cmaj7] xxxxxxx Children
[G] xxx Rejo[D]ice,x rejo[Em]icex [C] xxx [Am] xxxx [G] xxx [D] xxx
[Em]Heyx little train! We're jumping on
[C]Thex train that goes to the Kingdom
[Am]We'rex happy, Ma, we're having fun
[G]Andx the train ain'[D]txx even left the station
[Em]Hey,x little train! Wait for me!
[C]Ixx once was blind but now I see
[Am]Havex you left a seat for me?
[G]Isx that such a stre[D]tchx of the imagination?
[Em]Heyx little train! Wait for me!
[C]Ixx was held in chains but now I'm free
[Am]I'mx hanging in there, don't you see
[G]Inx this process o[D]fxx elimination
[Em]Heyx little train! We're jumping on
[C]Thex train that goes to the Kingdom
[Am]We'rex happy, Ma, we're having fun
[G]It'sx beyond my w[D]ildestx expectation
[Em]Heyx little train! We're jumping on
[C]Thex train that goes to the Kingdom
[Am]We'rex happy, Ma, we're having fun
[G]Andx the train ain'[D]txx even left the station
[Fade out]
[Fade out]