My Only One Feat Halsey chords
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Capo VI
[C] xxx [Am] xxxx [F] xxx [G] xxx [C] xxx
I[C] rememberx when a met you
I didin't want to f[Am]allx
I felt my hands were sha[F]kingx
Cause you loo[G]kedx so beatifu[C]lxx
I reme[C]mberx when you kissed me
I knew you were the o[Am]nexx
And oh, my hands were sh[F]akingx
When you pla[G]yedx my favorite son[C]gxx
I don't know w[Am]hyxx
Buy every ti[F]mex I look into your e[C]yesx
I see a th[G]ousandx fallin shooting st[Am]arsx and yes, I lov[F]exx you
I can't believe that e[C]veryx night you're by my si[G]dex
Promise I'll sta[C]yxx here till the mor[G]ningx
And pick you[Am] upxx when you're fa[F]llingx
When the rain gets rou[C]ghx
When you've had enough[G]xxx
I'll just sweep you off your fe[Am]etxx and fix you with my lo[F]vex
My only one[C] xxx [G] xxx
My[Am] xxxx onl[F]yxx one
Te[C]llx me how you do it, I can barely bre[G]athex
With the smile you get, you get the best of m[Am]exxx
And all I really want is to give you al[F]lxx of me
Te[C]llx me how you do it, how you bring me bac[G]kxx
You bring me back to life then make my heartbeat st[Am]opxx
I can't tak[F]exx it
I don't know[Am] xxxx why
Buy every ti[F]mex I look into your ey[C]esx
I see a tho[G]usandx fallin shootin[Am]gxxx stars and yes, [F] Ixx love you
I can't believe that ev[C]eryx night you're by my si[G]dex
Voy a cuida[C]rtex por las noc[G]hesx
Voy a am[Am]artex sin repro[F]chesx
Te voy a extraña[C]rxx en la tempesta[G]dxx
Y aunque existan mil razo[Am]nesx para renuncia[F]rxx
Promise I'll sta[C]yxx here till the mo[G]rningx
And pick you u[A]pxx when you're fal[F]lingx
When the rain gets rou[C]ghx
When you've had enoug[G]hxx
I'll just sweep you off your fe[Am]etxx and fix you with my lo[F]vex
My only one[C] xxx [G] xxx
My[Am] xxxx only on[F]exx
I didin't want to f
I felt my hands were sha
Cause you loo
I reme
I knew you were the o
And oh, my hands were sh
When you pla
I don't know w
Buy every ti
I see a th
I can't believe that e
Promise I'll sta
And pick you
When the rain gets rou
When you've had enough
I'll just sweep you off your fe
My only one
With the smile you get, you get the best of m
And all I really want is to give you al
You bring me back to life then make my heartbeat st
I can't tak
I don't know
Buy every ti
I see a tho
I can't believe that ev
Voy a cuida
Voy a am
Te voy a extraña
Y aunque existan mil razo
Promise I'll sta
And pick you u
When the rain gets rou
When you've had enoug
I'll just sweep you off your fe
My only one