Lighthouse chords

Trans. 0
Lighth[Am]ousex tall and grand,
sta[C]ndingx on a co[G]ldx head[Am]land.x
Shi[Am]nexx your light across the sea,
for a way[C]wardx sailor gi[G]rlx like m[Am]e.xx

Lighthou[Am]sexx man, guid this sai[C]lorx ba[G]ckx to la[Am]nd.x
[Am]Steerx my ship on through the storm,
b[C]ackx to waters sa[G]fex and ca[Am]lm.x

[Dm]Sometimesx I need a lighthouse of my o[Am]wn,x
it ge[Dm]tsxx so dark I can't see which way I`m go[Am]ing.x
Lighthou[Am]sexx man I`m all at sea,
sh[C]inex your little lighthouseli[G]ghtx on m[Am]e.xx

L[Am]ighthousex man help us all,
so[C]wex are saved and so[G]wex will fa[Am]ll.x
He'[Am]llxx show you where the danger lies,
but h[C]exx can't help if you [G] xxx   capsiz[Am]e.xx
He[Am]'llx light your way but that is all,
st[C]eerx your own ship b[G]ackx to the sh[Am]ore.x

W[Dm]on`tx you light my lonely way back ho[Am]me.x
T[Dm]hisx sea is full of missery and wo[Am]e.xx

Oh, [Am] woul`dx be tide to those that say,
[C]theyx don't need no light tol i[G]ghtx their w[Am]ay.x

Th[Am]eyxx think they`re safe enough on their own,
dro[C]wnx in murky dep[G]thsx bel[Am]low.x
Used chords
Am X
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Dm X
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