Lovesick chords
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[C] Myx sister says
[C]I'mx going out of my head
[C]Jade,x she [F] tellsx me
[F]She'sx playing games with ya, [C] kidx [Am] xxxx
[Am]Myxx best friends tell me
I'm gonna wind up d[F]eadx
But I[C]'mx the only one[G]xxx
Who really unders[C]tandsx
That I'm[F] lovesickx for yo[G]uxx
And there's n[Am]othingx anybody can [Dm] doxx
Ya I'm l[F]ovesickx for [G] youx
It's like an o[Am]ldxx crush we used to have in school
When the te[Dm]acher'dx call the nurse on the [G] xxx intercom
We've gotta d[Am]izzyx boy here with love goggles on
And now[Dm] xxxx I can only see s[G]traightx when I'm with [F] youx [G] xxx
I'm with you[C] xxx
My momma says[C]xxx
[C]Ixx gotta hold up my chin
My puppy t[F]ellsx me
I could use a[C] friendx [Am] xxxx
My uncle t[Am]ellsx me
To join a rock-n-roll[F] bandx
And[C] writex a little song
Break some heart[G]sxx
And learn to be a man[C]xxx
But I'm l[F]ovesickx for [G] youx
And there's[Am] nothingx anybody can [Dm] doxx
Ya I'm lo[F]vesickx for [G] youx
And I'm r[Am]unningx down a fever of a hundred and two
Well[Dm] Ixxx will be here [G] waitingx
[Am7] Callingx everyone even the o[Am]peratorx
[Dm]Ixxx ain't got the [G] flux
I'm just[F] lovex [G] xxx -sick [C] forx you
I'm gonna wind up d
But I
Who really unders
That I'm
And there's n
Ya I'm l
It's like an o
When the te
We've gotta d
And now
I'm with you
My momma says
My puppy t
I could use a
My uncle t
To join a rock-n-roll
Break some heart
And learn to be a man
But I'm l
And there's
Ya I'm lo
And I'm r
I'm just