Hell Yeah chords

Transpose 0

He works way too much for way too little

He drinks way too early til way too late
[G]He hasn't had a ra[F]ise since New[C] Year's Day in '88
[G]Gets trampled on by eve[F]ryone 'cept when he c[C]omes in here
[G]He's a produ[F]ct of the Haggard[C] generation
[G]He's got a r[F]edneck side whe[C]n you get him agitated
[G]He got the gold tooth lo[F]ok from a stiff right ho[C]ok he's

proud he took
For his right wing [G]stand on Vietna[F]m says he lost hi[C]s

brother there
[Bb]He yells out Johnny Cash and[C] the band starts to play
[Bb]Ring of Fire and he walks up and st[C]ands there b[D]y the stage

And he says

[G]Hell yea tur[F]n it up ri[C]ght on
[G]Hell yea sou[F]nds good sin[C]g that song
[G]Guitar man p[F]lay it all night long
[C]Take me back to where the music hit me

Life was good and love was easy.

[G] [F] [C] 2X

[G]She got an M[F]BA and plush[C] corner office
[G]She got a don't me[F]ss with me [C]attitude
[G]She'll close the d[F]eals he don't r[C]eveal she can feel
[G]The loneliness the em[F]ptiness 'cept when she co[C]mes in here
[G]She's a pr[F]oduct of the me ge[C]neration
[G]She got a rock and roll s[F]ide when you get her ag[C]itated
[G]She got the tattoo the[F]re on her derrier[C]e from a spring

[G]In Panama when love was [F]all she thought she'd ev[C]er need
[Bb]She yells out to the band[C] know any Bruce Springsteen
[Bb]Then she jumps up on the b[C]ar and she starts to[D] scream


[D]Yeah, yeah anything to get my mind off thinking bout
[D]Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Hey Hell Yeah

SOLO [G] [F] [C] Repeats 4X


Used chords