Cleanse My Lifted Hands chords

Trans. 0
There's a l[G]onging in my hear[D/F#]t to see your g[Em]lory.
There's a y[C]earning in my sou[G/B]l to stand in the holy place.[Dsus] [D]
There's a g[G]rowing need in m[D/F#]e to ascend the hill most h[Em]oly;
a b[C]urning fire within[D] to [E/F#]see your holy f[G]ace.

So c[G]leanse my l[C]ifted hands[D]
and p[G]urify my b[C]roken hea[D]rt
[Em]Keep my soul from [D]van[C]ity
[Em]don't let me speak dec[D]eitfu[C]lly,
[Em]that the King of Gl[C]ory[G] may enter in.[Dsus] [D]

There's a v[G]ision in our spirit[D/F#]s to walk in full an[Em]ointing,
to k[C]now Your blessing Lord[G/B] , Your righteousness within[Dsus] . [D]
There's a c[G]all upon our live[D/F#]s to stand in a gen[Em]eration
that would s[C]eek your face alone[D] and [D/F#]turn from flesh and [G]sin.
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