One Heart chords

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Artist: David Ruis
Give us o[G]ne[C2] [G/D] h[G]ear[C2]t [G/D] [G]
Give us o[G]ne[C2] [G/D] m[G]ind[C2] (Re[G/D]peat [G]section)

[C2]Speak, oh Lord, Your children are l[G]istening[C2] [G/D] [G] [C2] [G/D]
[C2]Speak, oh L[Em]ord, we want to do Your[D] will

[C2]Breathe, oh Lord, Your children are w[G]aiting[C2] [G/D] [G] [C2] [G/D]
[C2]Breathe, oh L[Em]ord, we?re needing to be[D] filled

[G]Give us the mind[C2] of Christ[G/D]
[G]Give us the mind[C2] of Christ[G/D]
[G]Give us the mind[C2] of Christ[G/D] [G] [C2] [G/D]
Used chords