Asheville Turnaround chords

Trans. 0
[E] [G] [D] [A] [B7]

I've been b[A]urning up the b[E]lacktop
I've been w[A]earin' out these t[E]ires
I've got a [A]rebuilt carbur[E]etor
I've got br[B7]and new spark plug w[E]ires
I've been c[A]lutchin and a b[E]rakin
I've been u[A]p these hills and d[E]own
Her g[A]ood love keeps me m[E]akin
That A[B7]sheville turnar[E]ound

I've been w[G]orking like the dickens Trying to make a livin Just w[D]aitin for the week to end
I t[A]ry to pay attention But it's hard to keep from thinkin'Bout b[E]ein' in her arms again
There a[G]in't a woman finer Than the one in Carolina At the t[D]op of Black Mountain Road
Fr[A]iday comes around I'll pour some coffee down And b[B7]uddy I'll be good to go

[A] [E] [A] [E] [A] [E] [B7] [E] [A] [E] [A] [E] [A] [E] [B7] [E]

Now t[G]hree hundred four And a half miles one way P[D]uts me on her front porch steps
I k[A]now what I got comin' The kissin' and a huggin' About as g[E]ood as any man can get
For t[G]wo days and two nights Everthing's alright H[D]appy as a hardwood tree
The o[A]nly thing wrong When Sunday comes along I've got to r[B7]ocket back to Tennessee

I've been b[A]urning up the b[E]lacktop
I've been w[A]earin' out these t[E]ires
I've got a [A]rebuilt carbur[E]etor
I've got br[B7]and new spark plug w[E]ires
I've been c[A]lutchin and a b[E]rakin
I've been [A]up these hills and [E]down
Her g[A]ood love keeps me m[E]akin
That A[B7]sheville turnar[E]ound

J[B7]ust can't let her d[E]own
She's the b[B7]est girl I have f[E]ound

[B7] [E] [B7] [E] [B7] [E]

I make that A[B7]shville turna[E]round
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