His Love chords

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Artist: David Ruis
His[E] love is [A]higher than the [E]highest of[B] mountains
His [E]love goes [A]deeper than the dee[E]pest of s[B]eas
His [E]love, it s[A]tretches to the f[E]arthest hor[B]izon
And his l[A]ove,[B] it reaches to m[E]e

His(Your) l[E]ove is str[A]onger than the a[E]ngels and [B]demons
His(Your) l[E]ove, it [A]keeps me in my [E]life's darkest [B]hour
His(Your) [E]love se[A]cures me on the [E]pathway to [B]heaven
And his(your) [A]love[B] is my strength and [E]power

His(Your) l[E]ove is s[A]weeter than the s[E]weetest of h[B]oney
His(Your)[E] love is [A]better than the c[E]hoicest of w[B]ine
His(Your) [E]love, it [A]satisfies the d[E]eepest of h[B]unger
And his(you[A]r) love,[B] in Jesus it's [E]mine
Used chords