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[INTRO] [Bm] [D/F#] [G] [G] [Bm] [A] [VERSE 1] I was [Bm]lost [D/F#]with a broken [G]heart You picked me [G]up, now I'm [Bm]set [A]apart From the [Bm]ash [D/F#]I am born [G]again Forever [G]safe in the [Bm]Saviour's[A] hands [VERSE 2] You are [Bm]more [D/F#]than my words could [G]say I'll...
There she [A]stood in [D]the [A]street [Dsus4]Smiling from her [D]head to her [A]feet, I said 'H[A]ey, what [D]is [A]this?' Now baby, ma[Dsus4]ybe she's in [D]need of a [A]kiss. I said 'Hey, what's your name, baby, maybe we can see things the same. Now don't you wait or hesitate, Let's move before...
[INTRO] [A] [E] [C#m] [D] 2x [VERSE] [A] i'll buy your [E]ticket to the show [C#m] i'll buy you l[D]emonade [A]if i only [E]had fifty dollars to my [C#m]name i know you'd do the same [D] [A]moving to a new[E] city shakey [C#m]footing till ya[D] kiss me now i'm [A]philadelphia crushin' ...
[VERSE 1] [Am]We pray for [F]the mountains to move [C] [G] [Am]We pray for [F]the oceans to part [C] [G] [Am]We pray for [F]a miracle [C] [G] In our [Am]hearts, [F]in our [C]hearts [G] [VERSE 2] [Am]No need to [F]hide back in the grave[C] [G] [Am]No need to [F]hold back any song[C]  ...
[VERSE] [C]Baby to[G]night, it's gentle and [Am]light And comin' [F]from the west And [C]girl yester[G]day, nearly blew us a[Am]way Tomorrow's any[F]body's guess [C]Ohh, you never know, [G]life's an uncertain road [Am]Take you high, and take you low But [F]don't you worry baby [CHORUS] [C]I'll...
[INTRO] Em7, F#7 [Bm] Gmaj7, [Bm7] x4 [VERSE 1] [C#m7]It was a long and sad goodby[D#m7]e But now it's time to pick up the [C#m7]pieces I have to[D#m7] leave my sisters couch tod[C#m7]ay Bittersweet and every [D#m7]time But life just isn't [C#m7]perfect Said it's a [D#m7]once in a...
[INTRO] [Bmi] , [Bbm7/Ab] , [Bbm7/F] , [Bbm7/Db] , [Eb] [Main] , [Riff] , [Bbmi] , [Eb] , [added] , [9] Mmm...mmm... [VERSE 1] [Bm]All I[Es] ne[added]ed., I[9]s a frie[Bmi] , [Ab/Bb] , [Bbmi]nd Someone to give me, [As] , [Db] , [Bbmi] , [Eb] , [added] , [9]a helpin' hand [Bm]When ...
[Chords] Em9: x-7-5-7-7-7 F#m7: x-9-11-9-10-9 [INTRO] [Em9] [F#m7] x2 [VERSE 1] [Em9]Early sun shines through my [F#m7]window [Em9]Your head's on my pillow, I [F#m7] [Em9]Spend time feelin' on that [F#m7]booty [Em9]Caress you so smoothly, I [F#m7] [PRE-CHORUS] [Em9] Pussy ...
[INTRO] [B] [D#m] [E] [G#m] [F#] [B] [D#m] [E] [G#m] [F#] [VERSE 1] [B]I don't want to be on my [D#m]phone But I can't be a[E]lone [G#m]Welcome to the[F#] modern way [B]Trying to be somebody I'm[D#m] not But it's not what I[E] want [G#m]Tell me there's a[F#]nother way [PRE-CHORUS]  ...
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