All You Gotta Be When You Are 23 Is Yourself chords
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[A] xxx [E] xxx [C#m] xxxxx [D] xxx 2x
[A] xxx i'll buy your [E] ticketx to the show [C#m] xxxxx
i'll buy you l[D]emonadex
[A]ifx i only [E] hadx fifty dollars to my [C#m] namex
i know you'd do the same[D] xxx
[A]movingx to a new [E] xxx city
shakey[C#m] footingx till ya [D] xxx kiss me
now i'm[A] philadelphiax crushin'
walk three[E] milesx with me, honey
just for[C#m] funxx [D] xxx
[E]causex all you gotta be when you're [D] xxx 23
is[A] yourselfx
call yourself an[E] xxx artist,
work part-time at[D] xxx whole foods
it's all[A] goodx
displaced, thoughts[E] racingx
do i[C#m] xxxxx settle down or keep [D] xxx moving
i am[A] 23x years old today [E] xxx
where's my birthday cak[C#m]e?xxx [D] xxx
feel better cause[A] withx you,
life's va[E]cationx
travel to the[C#m] kitchen,x
get wylde on[D] greenx tea
re-read our[A] favoritex stories,
remember who we[E] usedx to be
then for[C#m]getxx it
cause we've got a whole new city to[D] xxx see
[E]andx all you gotta be when you're [D] xxx 23
is[A] yourselfx
call yourself an[E] xxx artist,
work part-time at[D] xxx whole foods
it's all[A] goodx
wear stupid lookin'[E] xxx shoes
defuse leftover[D] xxx teenage blues
it's all go[A]odx
i'll buy you l
i know you'd do the same
now i'm
walk three
just for
call yourself an
work part-time at
it's all
displaced, thoughts
do i
i am
where's my birthday cak
feel better cause
life's va
travel to the
get wylde on
re-read our
remember who we
then for
cause we've got a whole new city to
call yourself an
work part-time at
it's all
wear stupid lookin'
defuse leftover
it's all go