Any Way The Wind Blows chords

Trans. 0

[C] Babyx to[G]night,x it's gentle and [Am] lightx
And comin' [F] fromx the west
And [C] girlx yester[G]day,x nearly blew us a[Am]wayx
Tomorrow's any[F]body'sx guess
[C]Ohh,x you never know, [G] life'sx an uncertain road
[Am]Takex you high, and take you low
But [F] don'tx you worry baby


[C]I'llx go any[G]wherex as long as you're [Dm] therex
[F] Anyx way the wind blows
[C]I'llx be by your [G] sidex for the rest of my [Dm] lifex
[F] Anyx way the wind blows


[C]Girlx I don't [G] mindx which zip code we [Am] findx
Our mail de[F]liveredx to
[C]Ifx I can wake [G] xxx up with you that's eno[Am]ughx
Don't care about the l[F]atitudex

[C]Ohh,x you never know
[G]Life'sx an uncertain road
[Am]Takex you high, and take you low
[F]Butx don't you worry baby


[C]I'llx go any[G]wherex as long as you're [Dm] therex
[F] Anyx way the wind blows
[C]I'llx be by your [G] sidex for the rest of my [Dm] lifex
[F] Anyx way the wind blows


[Bb]Holdx on [Am] baby,x hold on [G#m] tightx
I'm taking this [G] ridex with you[C]xxx


[C]I'llx go any[G]wherex as long as you're [Dm] therex
[F] Anyx way the wind blows
[C]I'llx be by your [G] sidex for the rest of my [Dm] lifex
[F] Anyx way the wind blows

[C]I'llx go any[G]wherex as long as you're [Dm] therex
[F] Anyx way the wind blows
[C]I'llx be by your [G] sidex for the rest of my [Dm] lifex
[F] Anyx way the wind blows

Any way the wind blows

Any way the wind blows
Used chords
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Am X
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Dm X
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Bb X
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G#m X
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