Shamrock Shore chords

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Artist: Karan Casey
You [G]brave young sons of [Am]Erin's Isle
I [G]hope you will at[D]tend awhile
'Tis the [G]wrongs of dear old [Am]Ireland I am [G]going to re[D]late
'Twas [G]black and cursed [Am]was the day
When our [G]parliament was [D]taken away
And [G]all our grieves and [Am]sufferings com[G]mences from that [D]day

For our [Em]hardy sons and [F]daughters fair
To [G]other countries [F]must repair
And [G]leave their native [Am]land be[Bm]hind, in [C]sorrow to de[D]plore
To [Em]seek employment, [F]they must roam
Far, [G]far away from their [F]native home
From that [G]sore, oppressed [Am]island that they [C]call the shamrock [G]shore

Now [G]Ireland is with [Am]plenty blessed
But the [G]people, we are [D]sore oppressed
All [G]by those cursed [Am]tyrants we are [G]forced for to o[D]bey
Some [G]haughty landlords [Am]for to please
Our [G]houses and our [D]lands they'll seize
To put [G]fifty farms [Am]into one and [G]chase us all a[D]way

Re[Em]gardless of the [F]widow's sighs
The [G]mother's tears and [F]orphan's cries
In [G]thousands we were [Am]driven from [Bm]home, which [C]grieves my heart full [D]sore
We were [Em]forced by famine [F]and disease
To [G]emigrate a[F]cross the seas
From that [G]sore, oppressed [Am]island that they [C]called the shamrock [G]shore

Our [G]sustenance all [Am]taken away
The [G]tithes and taxes [D]for to pay
To sup[G]port that law-pro[Am]tected church to [G]which they do ad[D]here
And our [G]Irish gentry, [Am]well you know
To [G]other countries [D]they do go
And the [G]money from old [Am]Ireland, they [G]squandered here and [D]there

For [Em]if our squires would [F]stay at home
And [G]not to other countries[F] roam
But [G]to build mills and [Am]factories [Bm]here to em[C]ploy the [D]labouring poor
For if [Em]we had trade and [F]commerce here
To [G]me no nation [F]could compare
To that [G]sore, oppressed [Am]island that they [C]call the shamrock [G]shore

John [G]Bull, he boasts, he [Am]laughs with scorn
And he [G]says that Irish[D]man is born
To be [G]always discon[Am]tented, for at [G]home we cannot agree [D]
But we'll [G]banish the tyrants [Am]from our land
And in [G]harmony like [D]sisters stand
To de[G]mand the rights of [Am]Ireland, let us [C]all united [D]be

And our [Em]parliament in [F]College Green
[G]For to assemble, it [F]will be seen
And [G]happy days in [Am]Erin's [Bm]Isle, we [C]soon will [D]have once more
And [Em]dear old Ireland [F]soon will be
A [G]great and glorious [F]country
And [G]peace and blessings [Am]soon will smile all a[C]round the shamrock [G]shore
Used chords