[G] xxx
I found a l[G]ovex for [Em] mexx
Darling just di[C]vex right in, and follow my [D] xxx lead
Well I found a g[G]irlx beautiful and [Em] sweetx
I never kn[C]ewx you were the someone waiting for [D] xxx me
Cause we were just kids when we f[G]ellx in love
Not knowing wh[Em]atxx it was, I will not g[C]ivex you up this [G] ti-x [D] imex
But darling just ki[G]ssx me slow, your heart is [Em] allx I own
And in your e[C]yesx you’re holding [D] minex
Baby, I[Em]’mxx da[C]ncingx in the [G] dark,x with [D] youx between my [Em] armsx
[C] Barefootx on the g[G]rass,x [D] listeningx to our [Em] favoritex song
When you s[C]aidx you looked a [G] mess,x I whispered [D] underneathx my b[Em]reathx
But you h[C]eardx it, darling [G] youx look [D] perfectx tonight
[G] xxx [F#m] xxxxx [Em] xxxx [D] xxx [C] xxx - [D] xxx -
Well I found a[G] woman,x stronger than [Em] anyonex I know
She shares my dr[C]eams,x I hope that someday I’ll share her [D] homex
I found a l[G]ove,x to carry [Em] morex than just my secrets
To carry[C] love,x to carry children of our [D] ownx
We are still kids, but we’re s[G]oxx in love, fighting ag[Em]ainstx all odds
I know that we’ll[C] bex alright this [G] ti-x [D] imex
Darling just ho[G]ldx my hand, be my girl, I’ll [Em] bexx your man
I see my f[C]uturex in your e[D]yesx
Baby,[Em] I’mx d[C]ancingx in the d[G]ark,x with [D] youx between my [Em] armsx
[C] Barefootx on the g[G]rass,x [D] listeningx to our [Em] favoritex song
When I s[C]awx you in that dr[G]ess,x looking so b[D]eautifulx
I[Em] don'tx des[C]ervex this, darling [G] youx look [D] perfectx tonight
[G] xxx [Em] xxxx [C] xxx [D] xxx
Baby,[Em] I’mx d[C]ancingx in the d[G]ark,x with [D] youx between my [Em] armsx
B[C] arefootx on the gr[G]ass,x [D] listeningx to our [Em] favoritex song
I have f[C]aithx in what I [G] see,x now I know [D] Ixx have met an [Em] angelx
In p[C]erson,x and [G] shex looks [D] perfectx tonight
No I d[C]on'tx deserve it, [D] youx look perfect tonight
[G] xxx [F#m] xxxxx [Em] xxxx [D] xxx [C] xxx - [D] xxx - | [G] xxx
I found a l
Darling just di
Well I found a g
I never kn
Cause we were just kids when we f
Not knowing wh
But darling just ki
And in your e
Baby, I
When you s
But you h
Well I found a
She shares my dr
I found a l
To carry
We are still kids, but we’re s
I know that we’ll
Darling just ho
I see my f
When I s
I have f
In p
No I d