Nothing New chords

Trans. 0
Am None chords iiiiiiiiii G None chords iiiiiiiiii C None chords iiiiiiiiii D None chords iiiiiiiiii

Am None chords iiiiiiiiii Is it G None chords foriiiii yourself? the C None chords wayiii you talk D None chords iiiiiiiiii
Am None chords iiiiiiiiii   ExplaG None chordsnations were C None chords never found D None chords iiiiiiiiii
Am None chords iiiiiiiiii And it's G None chords soiiiiii untrue, C None chords alliiiiii you say, D None chords wheni we're alone
Am None chords iiiiiiiiii I couldn't G None chords beiiiiii like you, I C None chords never tried, I D None chords never would

F None chordsChange your mind, don't let me down
D None chordsI'miiiii so sorry, C None chords myiiiii tears are falling, G None chords every time F None chords Iiiiiiiiii hear from you
D None chordsI'miiiii so angry, C None chords myiiiii mind tells me, G None chords thatiii in the end, F None chords there's nothing new

Am None chords iiiiiiiiii I reG None chordsmember things we C None chords usedii to do D None chords iiiiiiiiii
Am None chords iiiiiiiiii You know that G None chords justiiii like you, I C None chords missii it too, I'm D None chords missing you

F None chordsChange your mind, don't let me down
D None chordsI'miiiii so sorry, C None chords myiiiii tears are falling, G None chords every time F None chords Iiiiiiiiii hear from you
D None chordsI'miiiii so angry, C None chords myiiiii mind tells me, G None chords thatiii in the end, F None chords there's nothing new
Used chords
Am X
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