My Paradise chords
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Intro: [G] xxx [D] xxx [A] xxx (X2)
[D]Thinkx I might get [A] luckyx tonight
[C]Letx my hair down [G] getx a little crazy, yeah
[D]Myx reflection's [A] doingx alright
[C]Itx don't take nothing to [G] introducex suggestion
[D]Everybody’sx go[A]txx one thing on their mind
[C]Axx set of wheels and a [G] crankedx up radio
[D]Inx this town there might be [A] nowherex to hide
[C]Inx this town there might be [G] nowherex to go but
[G]Onx my left - [D] xxx to my right [A] xxx
This is my paradise
[G]Youx can call it [D] whatx you like - [A] Ixx know
This is my paradise
[D]Ixx might get [A] luckyx again
[C]Ixx got a deal I [G] knowx won't break me yeah
[D]Ifx I can afford what [A] moneyx can't buy
[C]There'sx nothing better than a [G] smallx town lady
[D]I'mx no different to the [A] boyx next door
[C]Axx good time's the [G] samex for everyone
[D]Ixx don't need another ch[A]ancex to be sure
[C]Sincex the day I was born I've always f[G]eltx secure 'cos
[G]Onx my left - [D] xxx to my right [A] xxx
This is my paradise
[G]Youx can call it [D] whatx you like - [A] Ixx know
This is my paradise
Guitar Solo:[G] xxx [D] xxx [A] xxx (X2)
[G]Reputation'sx got a pr[D]icex of its own
[F#]Butx not too many people w[G]antx to pay for it
Everybody needs a[D] placex to come from
[F#]Everybodyx needs a [G] placex where they belong
([G]Ohx y[D]eahx h[A]ey)x - this is my paradise
([G]Ohx y[D]eahx h[A]ey)x - this is my paradise
[Chorus] (2)
[G]Onx my left - [D] xxx to my right [A] xxx
This is my paradise
[G]Youx can call it [D] whatx you like - [A] Ixx know
This is my paradise
Outro: (X3)
([G]Ohx y[D]eahx h[A]ey)x - this is my paradise
This is my paradise
This is my paradise
This is my paradise
This is my paradise
Guitar Solo:
Everybody needs a
[Chorus] (2)
This is my paradise
This is my paradise
Outro: (X3)