Miles chords

Trans. 0
Capo 3

[A] x [E] xxx
Im scared today, more than I told you I was yesterday
Give me a moment to ca[F#m]tchxx my breath
And hold me e[D]veryx second left

[A]Proudx of me, thats the only way I [E] xxx want you to be
Look at [F#m] xxxxx me and love what you s[D]eex

[Bm]Ixxx wont make it a[F#m]lone,x I need something to ho[A]ldx [E] xxx  

[A]Kissx me on my shoulder, and t[E]ellx me its not over
[F#m]Ixxxx promise to always come home t[D]oxx you
[A]Remindx me that Im older to [E] bex brave, smart, sweet, and bolder
[F#m]Andxx dont give up on what were trying to d [D] oxx
[E] xxx [A] xxx
Dont count the miles, count the I love yous

[A] x [E] xxx
We made it out, and all the other people are asking how
This doesnt even sou[F#m]ndxxx like truth to gr[D]owx from a bruise
[A]Butx one day we will realize h[E]owx hard it was, how hard we tried
And h[F#m]owxxx our hearts made it out al[D]ivex

[A]Kissx me on my shoulder, and t[E]ellx me its not over
[F#m]Ixxxx promise to always come home t[D]oxx you
[A]Remindx me that Im older to b[E]exx brave, smart, sweet, and bolder
[F#m]Andxx dont give up on what were trying to do[D]xxx
[E]Dontx count the miles, count the I love yous

[E]Andx these are words I [F#m] xxxxx wished you s[A]aidx
[E]Butx thats not h[F#m]owxxx it went [A] xxx
Cause you ga[E]vex up on [F#m] usxxx in the en[A]dxx

[Bm]Andx I wont make i[F#m]txxxx alone, I need something to h[A]oldx [E] xxx  

[A]Kissx me on my shoulder, and t[E]ellx me its not over
[F#m]Ixxxx promise to always come home t[D]oxx you
[A]Remindx me that Im older to b[E]exx brave, smart, sweet, and bolder
[F#m]Andxx dont give up on what were trying to do[D]xxx

[A]Kissx me on my shoulder, and te[E]llx me its not over
[F#m]Ixxxx promise to always come home t[D]oxx you
[A]Remindx me that Im older to [E] bex brave, smart, sweet, and bolder
[F#m]Andxx dont give up on what were trying to do [D] xxx  
[E]Dontx count the miles, count the I love yous
Used chords
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F#m X
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Bm X
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