Long Hard Road chords

Trans. 0
Way [D] backx in my [G] memoryx [D] there'sx a scene that I recall
Of [A] axx little run[D]downx cabin in the woods
Where my dad never [G] promisedx [D] thatx our blue moon would turn gold
But [A] hex laid awake [D] nightsx wishin' that it would
When the world [G] wasx on our [D] radiox hard work was on our minds
We l[A]ivedx our da[D]y-to-dayx in plain dirt fashion
With ol' overal[G]lsx and co[D]ttonx balls all strapped across your back
Man, i[A]t'sx hard to mak[D]exx believe there ain't nothing wrong
But [Bm] mommax kept the [G] Biblex read and daddy kept our family fed
And somewhere in b[A]etweenx I must have grown
Caus[Bm]exxx someday I wa[G]sxx dreamin' that a song that I was singin'
Takes [D] mex down the [A] roadx to where I want to go
Now [Bm] Ixxx [A] know,x [D] it'sx a long hard road
Sometimes I [G] remembx [D] erx when I stayed up late at night
When t[A]hex sun-up ca[D]me,x we got up and went
In the shadows of [G] axx work[D]ing'x day our moonlight hours spent
Singi[A]n'x songs a[D]longx with Gramma's radio
Now I'm beatin' do[G]wnx a o[D]l'x blacktop road sleepin' in a sack
Li[A]vin'x in my me[D]moriesx all in vain
Cause those city l[G]ightsx ai[D]n'tx all that bright compared to what its like
To see [A] Lightningx B[D]ugsx go dancin' in the rain
Mom[Bm]maxx played the g[G]uitarx then and daddy made the saw blade bend
And ra[D]indropsx play[A]edx the tin roof like a drum
But [Bm] Ixxx just kept [G] onx dreamin' that a song that I was singin'
Takes [D] mex down the roa[A]dxx to where my name is known
Now [Bm] I'mx g[A]one,x a[D]ndx it`s a long hard road
Yes, [Bm] xxxx I [A] know,x [D] it`sx a long hard road.
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