Washed chords
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[B] Whenx I was lost, the [B/D#] xxxxxx wayward one so far aw[E]ayx
[B]Ixx was your thought, [B/D#] therex on the cross that [E] dayx
[B] Ixx saw the feast, but [B/D#] xxxxxx I chose the dirt to [E] layx my head
[B]Ixx was a captive to w[B/D#]hatxxx the accuser [E] saidx
[E] Thenx (when) you stepped into my grave
[F#]Laughingx at the guilt and shame
[G#m7]Allxxx my fear was stripped away
[B/D#]Nowxxx I sta[F#]ndxx and sing
[B]Ixx Am Washed by the [Bsus] bloodx of the [B] lambx
[G#m7] Ixxxxx Am Washed by the blood of the lamb
[F#]Byxx your scars my sin erased I’m in[E]nocentx
[B]Coveredx in beauty, [B/D#] clothedx in every [E] wordx you [C#m7] speakx
[B] Ixx stand in the promise [B/D#] thatxx you will never [E] leavex [C#m7] xxxxxx
[G#m7] ‘Causex I found a love that [F#] fillsx me again and [E] againx
I’ve[G#m7] tastedx freedom that [F#] drownsx out all my [E] sinx
[B] Ixx Am Washed by the [Bsus] bloodx of the [B] lambx
[G#m7] Ixxxxx Am Washed by the blood of the lamb
[F#]Byxx your scars my sin erased I’m in[E]nocentx
[B]Ixx Am Washed by the [Bsus] bloodx of the [B] lambx
[G#m7] Ixxxxx Am Washed by the blood of the lamb
[F#]Byxx your stripes I’m closer than I’ve [E] everx been
[B]Gloryx to the Lord on [C#m7] Highxx
There is[G#m7] noxxxx one like [F#] Youx
[B] Herex my song of praise will [C#m7] risexx
To my cha[G#m7]mpion,x my re[F#]scuex
There is
To my cha