Lay Your Hands On Me chords

Trans. 0
[Am]Hold me [G]as long[F] , as you can stand it

[Am]Hold me [G]as long[F] , because I need it

[Am]Hold me [G]as long[F] , until we make it

[Fm]Take your time, take your time

[Am]Hold me [G]as long[F] until you're, until you're better

[Am]Hold me [G]as long[F] , I'll be your nature

[Am]Yeah, ho[G]ld me a[F]s long, we'll come together

[Fm]Don't be shy [C] [C/H]

[G]I'm invi[F]ting yo[Em]u, I'm [D]inviting you

[Em]Lay your[D] hands [F]on me

[G]Run as f[F]ast as [Em]you can[D] , run as fast as you can

[Em]So lay y[D]our han[F]ds on me

[Am]Hold me [G]as long[F] , my body's shaking

[Am]Hold me [G]as long[F] , I'm anticipating

[Am]And hold[G] me as [F]long, your woman's waiting

[Fm]Yeah, don't be shy[C] [C/H]

[G]I'm invi[F]ting yo[Em]u, I'm [D]inviting you

[Em]Lay your[D] hands [F]on me

[G]Run as f[F]ast as [Em]you can[D] , run as fast as you can

[Em]So lay y[D]our han[F]ds on me

[Am]Hold me [G]as long[F] , your all I've ever wanted

[Am]Yeah, ho[G]ld me a[F]s long (long, long, long…)

[G]I'm invi[F]ting yo[Em]u, I'm [D]inviting you

[Em]Lay your[D] hands [F]on me

[G]Run as f[F]ast as [Em]you can[D] , run as fast as you can

[Em]So lay y[D]our han[F]ds on me

[Am]Yeah, la[G]y your [F]hands on me

[Am]Just lay[G] your h[F]ands on me - just lay

[Am]Just lay[G] your h[F]ands on me

[C]And don't be shy
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