Israel Houghton chords and sheet music

There are total 77 results.
[INTRO] [Bm7] [D2]/[F#] [Bm7] [D2]/[F#] [Em7] [C] [C] [G/B] [D] [VERSE] Let me be[C/D] an instrument[G/D] To exalt[C9] and to extend[D] Jesus' name[C/D] globally[G/D] As the [C9]waters cover the [Em7]sea Open the h[D/F#]eavens O Lord[G2] [Am7]Pour out Your Spirit [CHORUS] [D]Cover the earth ...
[Intro] (Starts with Piano) | Eb / / / | / / / / | Bb/D / / / | / / / / | | Eb / / / | / / / / | Bb/D / / / | / / / / | [VERSE 1] [Eb]Walking around these walls [Bb/D]I thought by now they'd fall [Eb6]But you have never failed me ye[Bb]t [Eb]Waiting for change to come [Bb/D]Knowing the battle's...
//El c[A]entro de [Bm7]todo eres J[A2/C#]esús El [Dmaj7]centro de [A]todo eres [Esus4]Jesús [E] Desde el prin[Dmaj7]cipio y hasta el f[A]in Tu has [E]sido y siem[F#m11]pre ser[E]ás C[D]risto, [Esus4]Cristo./[E]/ Coro T[A]u [Bm7]e____[A2/C#]res el [Dmaj7]centro [Bm7]Nada importa mas que...
[INTRO] ([E]2x)[A2] [E] [A2] [VERSE 1] [E] You are[Bsus] [A2] the Holy One [E] You are[Bsus] [A2] the Living Word [E] You are[Bsus] [A2] the center of my [F#7]focus, [A2]Jesus [E] You are[Bsus] [A2] the Son of God [E] You are[Bsus] [A2] the the Solid Rock ...
[E]Señor eres fiel y t[B/E]u misericordia [D/E]eterna,[A/E] [E]Señor eres fiel y t[B/E]u misericordia [D/E]eterna,[A/E] [A]gente de toda [A/B]lengua y nación de gene[A/C6]ración a [A/D]generaci[D]ón. Te ad[E]oramos [B]hoy a[D]leluya,[A] aleluya, [E] [B] [D] [A] *B [G] [A] ...
[D]Quien soy yo para que en mi tu pi[Bm]enses, Y que esc[Em]uches, mi clam[D]or [D]Es verdad lo que tu hoy Me d[Bm]ices? Que me a[Em]mas, me As[C]ombras! Coro [D]Eres mi amigo fiel, [Bm]Eres mi amigo fiel, [Em]Eres mi amigo fiel, [A] [D] ([G] - [Bm] - [Em] - [G]) para entrar al puente Tu...
[G/B]All a -[C] round, al[D/F#]l a -[G] round [G/B]Everywhere I loo[C]k Your love is all a - rou[D/F#]nd [G] [G/B]All a -[C] round, al[D/F#]l a -[G] round [G/B]Everywhere I loo[C]k Your love is all a - rou[D/F#]nd [G] [VERSE] Your not h[Em7]iding, You’re re-[C]vealing ...
INTRO: [G] (4 Bars) [D] [D] - [G] [C] [C] - [G/B] [C] [D] - [G] [C] [C] - [G/B] [C] [D/B] - [G] [VERSE] [G] I BELONG TO YOU [C] [C] [G/B] YOU BELONG TO ME, LORD [C] [D] [G] I’M SURROUNDED [C] [C] [G/B] EVERYWHERE THA[C]T I[D/B] GO [G] I WILL WALK WITH YOU [C] [C] [G/B] YOU ...
[VERSE] [B] I am sp[F#]eechless in your pres[A2]ence I am d[E2]rawn by Your loving-kind[B]ness I am cap[F#]tured by Your be[A2]auty Lord I wor[E]ship You for [C#m7]who You a[F#]re [CHORUS] You are fa[B]irer than ten th[C#m7]ousand You are lov[B/D#]elier by f[E]ar Lord Your be[B]auty knows no...
[INTRO] [Am] [Dm7] [Em7] [G] [Am] [Dm7] [Em7] [G] [VERSE 1] [Am] Rivers rich in mercy beckon [Am] [Dm7] [Em7] [G] [Am] Everyone who thirsts is welcome [Am] [Dm7] [Em7] [G] [Am] All who hunger freely come [Am] [Dm7] [Em7] [G] [Am] Bread of Life for everyone [Am] [Dm7] ...
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