Jealous chords

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Artist: Phil Joel

Come to [A]me
Come to [F#m]me
I have been w[E]aiting
The sun will be r[D]ising
Come to [A]me
Come to m[F#m]e
I have a ring for your f[E]inger
Don't let the past come betw[D]een us

D[D]on't you run to the arms of ano[A]ther
T[D]hey won't love you like I can lo[A]ve you
Don't you know I [E]am a jealous God
I a[D]m a jealous God

So, come to [A]me
When you're not sure how you fe[F#m]el
When the idols start ca[E]lling
And to their arms you're fa[D]lling

Don[D]'t you run to the arms of anot[A]her
I [A]will hold you I am able
To l[D]ead you beside the still and living[A] waters
I[A]'ve set a feast upon the table
Oh, I am [E]a jealous Lover
No one can lo[D]ve you like I love you
So come to m[G]e [D] [A]
Come to M[G]e [D] [A]

When Y[E]ou came looking for me
I tho[A]ught it was over
I tho[A]ught we were history
And [C#m]all I could think about
Was h[A]ow I let You down
Oh, how I'd le[B]t You down
M[E]y heart has played the harlot
A[E]nd wandered far from home
Like a s[A]hip without an anchor
Dr[A]ifting on it's own
And [C#m]You came calling
A[A]lways cal[B]ling

And d[E]own to the altar I go
All a[A]lone, together
And n[C#m]ow on this altar I fall
Aba[A]ndoned, surrendered, yielded[B]
I am Yo[E]urs! [A]
I am Yo[C#m]urs!! [A]
I am yo[B]urs
[A]All to Jesus [C#m]I surrender
A[A]ll to You I will fre[C#m]ely Give, I'll f[A]reely give [C#m] [A] [C#m]
A[E]nd down to the altar I go
All al[A]one, together
And [A]now on this altar I fall
Aba[A]ndoned, surrendered, yielded
I am Yo[E]urs
Used chords