It Could Be You chords
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Capo 1st
[A]Hayx ye
Could I[A] borrowx you oxygen?
I want to breath what you[E] breathx
Could I[D] borrowx your eyes?
I want to see what you s[E]eex
Could I[A] borrowx your mind?
I wanna know to come see[E] youx
Could I[D] borrowx your heart?
I wanna know what you fe[E]elx
Cos in[D] myx dreams
I[A] seex your [E] xxx face
Full of[D] lovex and [A] xxx full of [E] gracex
I w[D]akex up
Witho[A]utx a [E] cluex
Something t[D]ellsx me[E]xxx
It could be[A] youx
Could I[A] touchx you baby?
Where you've never been touched be[E]forex
Could I s[D]urrenderx to you babe?
I can't fight it no mo[E]rex
If I[A] tellx you my story
Would it be safe in your[E] hands?x
Could you[D] dox something for me?
Just try to understan[E]dxx
Cos in m[D]yxx dreams
I[A] seex your f[E]acex
Full of l[D]ovex and f[A]ullx of [E] gracex
I w[D]akex up
Witho[A]utx a c[E]luex
Something t[D]ellsx me[E]xxx
It could be y[A]oux
Something[D] tellsx m[E]exx
It could be y[A]oux
What I f[G]eelx when you are n[A]earx
When I s[G]milex when you ap[A]pearx
When your h[D]eartx speaks to me [C#] xxxx inside
I[F#m] cannotx hide
Cos in m[D]yxx dreams
I s[A]eex your f[E]acex
And the k[D]issx I a[A]lmostx [E] tastex
I w[D]akex up
With[A]outx a c[E]luex
Something[D] tellsx m[E]exx
It could be y[A]oux
Something t[D]ellsx me, [E] yeahx
It could be[A] youx
[F#m] xxxxx [D] xxx [E] xxx [A] xxx
Could I
I want to breath what you
Could I
I want to see what you s
Could I
I wanna know to come see
Could I
I wanna know what you fe
Cos in
Full of
I w
Something t
It could be
Could I
Where you've never been touched be
Could I s
I can't fight it no mo
If I
Would it be safe in your
Could you
Just try to understan
Cos in m
Full of l
I w
Something t
It could be y
It could be y
What I f
When I s
When your h
Cos in m
I s
And the k
I w
It could be y
Something t
It could be