I Didnt Understand chords

Transpose 0
Capo 3rd Fret


[D]Thought you'd be[C] looking for the next in line to[Em] love

[Em]Then ignore, put o[G]ut, and put a[C]way

And [D]so you'd soon b[C]e leaving me alone like I'm s[Em]upposed to be

Tonight tomo[G]rrow and every[C] day

[D] There's nothing here that you'll mi[G]ss

I can[C] guarantee you t[G]his is a [C]cloud of smoke[Em]

[D]Trying to occupy sp[G]ace

[C]What a fucking [G]joke, [C]what a fucking joke.[Em]


[D] I waited for a [C]bus to separate the both of us[Em]

and take me off fa[G]r away from y[C]ou

Cus my [D]feelings never [C]change a bit, I always feel like [Em]shit

I don't know why, I guess that [G]I just do[C]

[D] You once talked to me about [G]love

[C] You painted pictures [G]of, [C]a never never land[Em]

[D]I could've gone to that plac[G]e,

[C] [G] [C] [G]
But I didn't u[Em]nderstand, I didn't understand, I didn't understand

I hope that helped. The rhythm can get kind of tricky, and I tried to place the letters
the chords as close to the words they hit on as possible.

My first tab, enjoy : )
Used chords