Alameda chords

Transpose 0
[C]you walk down alameda [B7]shuffle-ing your deck
of trick ca-[Am]ards o-[Asus2]ver every-[F]one
like some [C]precious only [B7]son [Am]
face down, bow to the cham[F]pion
[C]you walk down alameda [B7]looking at the
cracks in the side[Am]walk
thinking a[Asus2]bout your [F]friends
how you [C]maintain all them [B7]in [Am]
a constant state of su[F]spense
for your [Dm]own pro[E]tection[Am] over [C]their affection
[Eb]nobody broke your [Gm]heart
you [Cm]broke your [F]own cause you can't [Bm]finish what you [C]start
walk down alameda [B7]brushing off the nightmare you w[Am]ish
could [Asus2]plague me when i'm awake [F]
and now you [C]see your first mi[B7]stake [Am] was thinking that you could re[F]late
for [C]one or [F]two minutes she liked [Am]you
but the [C]fix is [F]in
you're [Dm]all pre[E]tension [Am]
i never [C]pay attention
[Eb]nobody broke your [Gm]heart
you [Cm]broke your [F]own because you can't [Bm] finish what you [C]start
[Eb]nobody broke your [Gm]heart
you [Cm]broke your [F]own because you can't [Bm] finish what you [C]start
[Eb]nobody broke your [Gm]heart
you [Cm]broke your [F]own because you can't [Bm] finish what you [C]start
[Eb]nobody broke your [Gm]heart
if [Cm]you're a[F]lone it must be [Bm]you that wants to be a[C]part
Used chords