Green The Whole Year Round chords

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Artist: Celtic Woman
[D]My true love s[D7]its in a f[Gm]orest [D]glade
In [Em]the springtime's g[D]olden lig[G]ht
[D]The flowers, they da[D7]nce in the[G] gentle[Gm] breeze
And the[Em] warm su[D]n shines so [A7]bright
And of[Em] all the fl[D]owers in the for[Bm]est
And a[Em]ll trees th[A]at do [G]abound
The[D] ones that please my hea[A]rt the [G]most
Are g[D]reen the who[A]le year 'r[D]ound

G[D]reen the whole year [G]'round,
[Gm]Green the whole year '[D]round,
T[Bm]he holly ye[Em]w and the ivy[G] tree
[D]Are green the w[A]hole year 'rou[D]nd

[D]When summer c[D7]omes and the[Gm] days are h[D]ot
And[Em] the birds are [D]full of s[G]ong
[D]In the quiet sha[D7]de of that[G] leafy [Gm]glade
That is[Em] where my [D]heart belo[A7]ngs
For I kn[Em]ow whenever I l[Bm]ook for you
That i[Em]s where you ca[A]n be fo[G]und
As you tak[D]e your ease 'neath your f[A]avorite [G]trees
That are gr[D]een the who[A]le year 'ro[D]un d

G[D]reen the whole year[G] 'round,
[Gm]Green the whole year [D]'round,
The [Bm]holly ye[Em]w and the ivy[G] tree
Are gre[D]en the whol[A]e year 'r[D]ound
Used chords