God Is Love chords
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How great this[D] lovex
Oh it's[Gsus2] movingx all my [D] mountainsx
This perfect[Asus] lovexx
It's[Gsus2] castingx out my [D] fearx
How great this[D] lovex
Oh it[G] welcomesx me like [D] familyx
And anywhere I[Asus] xxxxxx go
[G] xxx It meets me [D] therex
He is[Gsus2] goodxxx and He is [Asus] Godxxx [A] xxx
What I[D] earned,x it's not [D/C#] whatxx I [Bm7] gotxx
And He is[Gsus2] just,xx yet oh so [Asus] kindxx [A] xxx
What I[D] deserve,x it's not [D/C#] whatxx I [Bm7] findx
What more could I[Gsus2] sayxxxx about Him?
My[Asus] Godxxx is [D] lovex [G/D] xxxxx [D] xxx
How great this[D] lovex
Oh it's[G/D] faithfulx through my [D] failuresx
This trusted[Asus] lovexx is [Gsus2] withxxx me 'til the [D] endx
How great this[D] lovex
Oh it's[G/D] closerx than a [D] brotherx
This is[Asus] love,x He [Gsus2] diedxxx so I could [D] livex
He is[Gsus2] goodxxx and He is [Asus] Godxxx [A] xxx
What I[D] earned,x it's not [D/C#] whatxx I g[Bm7]otxxx
And He is[Gsus2] just,xx yet oh so [Asus] kindxx [A] xxx
What I[D] deserve,x it's not [D/C#] whatxx I [Bm7] findx
What more could I[Gsus2] sayxxxx about Him?
Asus (D)
My God is love
|D |Asus |Bm7 |D
[BRIDGE 1] x2
[Gsus2] xxxxxxx And I know my God is [Asus] lovexx
I know my God is[Bm7] lovex
This is enough to[D] knowx my God is [Gsus2] lovexxx
[Gsus2] xxxxxxx And I know my God is [Asus] lovexx
I know my God is[Bm7] lovex
This is enough to[D/F#] knowxx my God is [Gsus2] lovexxx
[Gsus2] xxxxxxx And I know my God is [Asus] lovexx
I know my God is[Bm7] lovex
This is enough to[D] knowx my God is [Gsus2] lovexxx [Asus] xxxxxx [A] xxx
He is[Gsus2] goodxxx and He is [Asus] Godxxx [A] xxx
What I[D] earned,x it's not [D/C#] whatxx I [Bm7] gotxx
And He is[Gsus2] just,xx yet oh so [Asus] kindxx [A] xxx
What I[D] deserve,x it's not [D/C#] whatxx I [Bm7] findx
What more could I[Gsus2] sayxxxx about Him?
My[Asus] Godxxx is [Bm7] lovex
What more could I[Gsus2] sayxxxx about Him?
My[Asus] Godxxx is [Bm7] lovex
What more could I[Gsus2] sayxxxx about Him?
My[Asus] Godxxx is [D] lovex
How great this
Oh it's
This perfect
How great this
Oh it
And anywhere I
He is
What I
And He is
What I
What more could I
How great this
Oh it's
This trusted
How great this
Oh it's
This is
He is
What I
And He is
What I
What more could I
Asus (D)
My God is love
|D |Asus |Bm7 |D
[BRIDGE 1] x2
I know my God is
This is enough to
I know my God is
This is enough to
I know my God is
This is enough to
He is
What I
And He is
What I
What more could I
What more could I
What more could I