Eternal Love chords

Trans. 0
[Bb] xxxx - [F] xxx - [Gm] xxxx - [Eb] xxxx

[Bb] It'sx a beautiful feeling
[F]Whatx we got deep inside
[Gm]Wexx got a flame that will last forever
[Eb]Togetherx you and I

[Bb]Suchx a rush of emotions
[F]There'sx no way we can push it away
[Gm]Cuzx they'll never tear our love apart
[Eb]Ourx bond will never break

[Bb]Doxx you believe in the power
[F]Ofx everlasting love
[Gm]Wexx can make it if we stay together
[Eb]Ourx love is just enough

[Bb]Promisex me this forever
[F]We'llx always stay this way
[Gm]Wexx can start at the end of time
[Eb]Andx do it all again

[Bb]Ohxx my love
[F]I'mx all yours
[Gm]Andx there will never be another one
[Eb]Causex I'm eternally yours
[Bb]Myxx heart's a flame
[F]Andx it's burning in your name
[Gm]Evenx through the sands of time
[Eb]Myxx love will always grow And I won't let go

[Bb] xxxx - [F] xxx

[Gm] Noxx matter if you're near of far
[Eb]Ourx bond will never break

[Bb]Promisex me this forever
[F]We'llx always stay this way
[Gm]Wexx can start at the end of time
[Eb]Andx do it all again

[Bb]Ohxx my love
[F]I'mx all yours
[Gm]Andx there will never be another one
[Eb]Causex I'm eternally yours
[Bb]Myxx heart's a flame
[F]Andx it's burning in your name
[Gm]Evenx through the sands of time
[Eb]Myxx love will always grow And I won't let go

[Bb]It'sx a beautiful feeling
[F]We'vex got deep inside
[Gm]Andx there will never be another one
[Eb]Causex I'm eternally yours
[Bb]Myxx heart's a flame such a rush of emotions
[F]Burningx in your name we can't push it away
[Gm]Evenx through the sands of time
[Eb]Myxx love will always grow
[Bb]Myxx eternal love
Used chords
Bb X
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❮    Position    ❯
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Gm X
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❮    Tone    ❯
Eb X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
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