Eternal Life chords

Transpose 0
[C]Eternal L[G]ife is now on [F]my t[A7]rail
Got my [C]red glitter coffin, man[G] , just need one l[F]ast n[A7]ail
While a[C]ll these ugly gentlemen p[G]lay out their fooli[F]sh ga[A7]mes
There's a f[C]laming red hor[G]izon that screams [F]our n[A7]ames

[G]And as your fantasies are broken in two
Did you r[Em]eally think this bloody road would

Pave the way for you'
You better t[D]urn around
and blow your kiss h[A]ello to life eternal, [Em]angel

[C]Racist e[G]veryman, what have y[F]ou do[A7]ne'
[C]Man, you've made a [G]killer of your unb[F]orn [A7]son...
[C]Crown my fear your k[G]ing at the point of [F]a g[A7]un
[C]All I want to d[G]o is love eve[F]ryo[A7]ne...

[G]And as your fantasies are broken in two
Did you re[Em]ally think this bloody road would

Pave the way for you'
You better t[D]urn around
[A7] [A7] -[C] -[F#] -[F] -[B] -[A]
and blow your kiss hello to life eternal....

[A7]There's no t[C]ime for h[F#]atred, only q[F]uestions
What is l[B]ove, where is h[A]appiness, what is L[G]ife,
where is p[F]eace'
[E]When will I find the strength to bring me release'

[C]And tell me where is the l[G]ove in what your prophet h[F]as s[A7]aid'
Man, It s[C]ounds to me just like a p[G]rison for the walki[F]ng d[A7]ead
And I[C]'ve got a message for y[G]ou and your twist[F]ed h[A7]ell
You better t[C]urn around and blow your kiss good[G]bye
[F] [A7] [G] - [Em] - [D] - [A] - [G] - [Em] - [D] - [A] - [Em]
to life eternal angel...
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