Enough For Now chords
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Tuning - Eb (down 1/2 step)
intro -[Em] xxxx [D] xxx [G] xxx [Em] xxxx [D] xxx [C] xxx
The Da[Em]ughters'x F[D]atherx w [G] atches,x [Em] xxxx quiet [D] lyx we a[C]ssumex
H[Em]e'sx no lon[D]gerx wit[G]hxx us but he l[Em]eftx this [D] xxx dusty [C] xxx room
And you[Em]rxxx nam[D]exx it[G]'sx an honor
It's a[Em] shamex but [D] xxx it's your [C] xxx honor
To[Em] takex it [D] onx your [G] shoulderx
'til[Em] xxxx you ca[D]nxx find [C] anotherx
[Em] That'sx enough [D] xxx for now [G] xxx
He should have never left you[C] brokenx [D] xxx
He should have held you[Em] xxxx
[C]Thingsx your Father never told you
[Em]That'sx enough f[D]orx now [G] xxx
He would have never left[C] youx broken [D] xxx
He would have held you[Em]xxxx
Thi[C]ngsx your Father never could do
[Verse 2] - same progression as verse 1
The century before me, never could turn 21
Years and years he waited, just watching for a son
someone to go ahead, to take the name instead
Years and years he waited, then a daughter came instead
[Em] xxxx [D] xxx [G] xxx [Em] xxxx [D] xxx [C] xxx
[Em] Breathingx comes [D] xxx in pairs [G] xxx
[Em] xxxx [D] Exceptx for t[C]wicex
[Em]Onex be[D]ginsx and on[G]e'sx goodbye [C] xxx
[Em]60xx [D] xxx years of sor[G]row,x you got 5 or 6 of [Em] blissx [D] xxx [C] xxx
[Em]Leftx my mot[D]hers'x mothe[G]rxx
Without so muc[Em]hxxx as a ..... [D] xxx [C] xxx
[Em]kissx [D] xxx [G] xxx [C] xxx As [D] axx kiss [Em] xxxx [C] xxx
[Em] xxxx [D] xxx [G] xxx [C] xxx [D] xxx [Em] xxxx [C] xxx
60 years of sorrow, you got 5 or 6 of bliss
Left my Mothers' mother
Without so much as a kiss
intro -
The Da
And you
It's a
He should have never left you
He should have held you
He would have never left
He would have held you
[Verse 2] - same progression as verse 1
The century before me, never could turn 21
Years and years he waited, just watching for a son
someone to go ahead, to take the name instead
Years and years he waited, then a daughter came instead
Without so muc
60 years of sorrow, you got 5 or 6 of bliss
Left my Mothers' mother
Without so much as a kiss