Gonna Find Me A Bluebird chords
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Gonna f[C7]indx me a b[F]luebirdx
Let him sing me a so[C]ngx
Cause my heart's been br[G7]okenx [Gb] xxxx
[F]Muchx t[G7]ooxx lo[C]ngx
Gonna ch[C7]asex me a r[F]ainbowx
Thru' a heaven of b[C]luex
Cause I'm all through c[G7]ryin x [Gb]gxxx ov[F]erx y[C]ou.x
There w[C7]asxx a ti[F]mex my love was ne[C]ededx
My life comp[G7]leted,x my dr[F]eamsx come tr[C]uex
Then c[C7]amex the ti[F]mex my life was ha[C]untedx
My love unw[G7] antedx [Gb] xxxx , a[F]llx f[G7]orxx y [C] ou.x [F] xxx [C] xxx
Gonna f[C7]indx me a b[F]luebirdx
Let him sing me a so[C]ngx
Cause my heart's been br[G7]okenx [Gb] xxxx
[F]Muchx t[G7]ooxx lo[C]ngx
Gonna ch[C7]asex me a r[F]ainbowx
Thru' a heaven of b[C]luex
Cause I'm all through c[G7]ryin x [Gb]gxxx ov[F]erx y[C]ou.x
Gonna f
Let him sing me a so
Cause my heart's been br
Gonna ch
Thru' a heaven of b
Cause I'm all through c
There w
My life comp
Then c
My love unw
Gonna f
Let him sing me a so
Cause my heart's been br
Gonna ch
Thru' a heaven of b
Cause I'm all through c