Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery chords

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Artist: Matt Boswell

Come be[E]hold the wondrous [A]mystery
In the [E]dawning of the [B]King
He the [C#m]theme of heaven’s p[A]raises
Robed in frail hu[B]mani[E]ty
[E]In our [A]longing, in our [E]darkness
[E]Now the [C#m]light of life has c[A]ome
Look to [E]Christ, who conde[A]scended
Took on [A]flesh to [B]ransom [E]us [A] [C#m] [B]


Come be[E]hold the wondrous [A]mystery
He the [E]perfect Son of [B]Man
In His [C#m]living, in His s[A]uffering
Never trace nor [B]stain of [E]sin
[E]See the [A]true and better [E]Adam
[E]Come to [C#m]save the hell-bound m[A]an
Christ the [E]great and sure ful[A]fillment
Of the [A]law; in [B]Him we [E]stand [A] [C#m] [B]


Come be[C#m]hold the wondrous m[A]ystery
Christ the [C#m]Lord upon the t[B]ree
In the [C#m]stead of ruined s[A]inners
Hangs the Lamb in [B]victo[E]ry
[E]See the [A]price of our re[E]demption
[E]See the [C#m]Father’s plan unf[A]old
Bringing [E]many sons to [A]glory
Grace un[A]measured, [B]love un[E]told [A] [C#m] [B]


Come be[E]hold the wondrous [A]mystery
Slain by [E]death the God of [B]life
But no [C#m]grave could e’er rest[A]rain Him
Praise the Lord; He [B]is a-[E]live!

[E]What a [A]foretaste of de[E]liverance
[E]How un[C#m]wavering our h[A]ope
Christ in [E]power resur[A]rected
As we [A]will be [B]when he [E]comes
Used chords