Sing We The Song Of Immanuel chords

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Artist: Matt Boswell
[E]Sing we the song of Im[A]manu[E]el, [B]This the Christ who was [A]long fore[B]told.
[E]Lo in the shadows of [A]Bethle[E]hem, [B]Promise of dawn now our [A]eyes be[E]hold
[B]God most high in a [A]manger [E]laid, [B]Lift your voices and [A]now pro[E]claim.
[A] [E] [A] [E] [A] [C#m] [B] [E] | [A] | [E] | B
Great and glorious, Love has come to us, Join now with the hosts of heaven.

[E]Come we to welcome Im[A]manu[E]el, [B]King who came with no [A]crown or [B]throne.
[E]Helpless he lay, the inv[A]inci[E]ble, [B]Maker of Mary, now [A]Mary’s [E]son.
[B]O what wisdom to [A]save us [E]all, [B]Shepherds, sages, be[A]fore him [E]fall.
[A] [E] [A] [E] [A] [C#m] [B] [E] | A | E | B - (A)
Grace and majesty, What humility, Come on bended knee, adore Him.

[E]Go spread the news of Im[A]manu[E]el, [B]Joy and peace for the [A]weary [B]heart.
[E]Lift up your heads, for your [A]King has [E]come, [B]Sing for the light over[A]whelms the [E]dark.
[B]Glory shining for [A]all to [E]see, [B]Hope alive, let the [A]gospel [E]ring.
[A]God has [E]made a way, [A]He will [E]have the praise
[A] [C#m] [B] [E] | A | C#m | B - (A)
Tell the world his name is Jesus

E | A | C#m | B |
Used chords