Church chords
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[Bbm]Ixxxx don't k[Gb]nowx where I should be[Ab]ginx
[Bbm]Allxx this t[Gb]imex that I'm putting [Ab] inxx (aah)
[Bbm]Buildx me [Gb] upxx just to bring me do[Ab]wnxx (ah-aah)
[Bbm]'Causex you don't w[Gb]antx me to take the cr[Ab]ownx (aah)
I shouldn't let you[Bbm] getxx to me, but you [Gb] doxx
I let you take it o[Ab]utxx on me, yes it's tr[Db]uexx
You're saying sorry c[Bbm]onstantlyx
But you ne[Gb]ver,x but you [Ab] neverx (never)
Never say a pr[Bbm]ayerx for [Gb] xxxx me
[Ab]Neverx c[Db]eleb x [Ab]ratex your h[Bbm]andsx on [Gb] mexx
You b[Ab]etterx tr[Db]eatx me [Bbm] likex c[Gb]hurchx (church)
You b[Ab]etterx tr[Db]eatx me l[Ab]ikex ch[Bbm]urchx (ch[Gb]urch)x
You b[Ab]etterx tr[Db]eatx me l[Ab]ikex
|Bbm |Bbm
[Bbm]Ixxxx don't k[Gb]nowx what I'm meant to [Ab] doxx (ah-aah)
[Bbm]Allxx I kn[Gb]ow'sx I believe in y[Ab]ouxx (aah)
[Bbm]Soxxx praise me [Gb] upxx for the things I've d[Ab]onex ([Ebm]ah-a x [Db]ah)x
[Bbm]Ixxxx should f[Gb]eelx like the only o[Ab]nexx (aah)
I shouldn't let you[Bbm] getxx to me, but you [Gb] doxx
I let you take it o[Ab]utxx on me, yes it's tr[Db]uexx
You're saying sorry c[Bbm]onstantlyx
But you ne[Gb]ver,x but you n[Ab]everx (never)
Never say a pra[Bbm]yerxx for [Gb] mexx
[Ab] Neverx c[Db]eleb x [Ab]ratex your h[Bbm]andsx on [Gb] mexx
You b[Ab]etterx tr[Db]eatx me l[Ab]ikex ch[Bbm]urchx (c[Gb]hurch)x
You b[Ab]etterx tr[Db]eatx me l[Ab]ikex ch[Bbm]urchx (ch[Gb]urch)x
You b[Ab]etterx tr[Db]eatx me l[Ab]ikex
[Ab] xxxx [Bbm] Ixxxx shouldn't let you get to me, but you do
I let you take it o[Gb]utxx on me, yes it's true
You're saying sorry c[Ab]onstantlyx
But you never, but you never
Never say a pr[Bbm]ayerx for [Gb] mexx
[Ab] Neverx celebrate your h[Bbm]andsx on [Gb] mexx
You b[Ab]etterx treat me like [Bbm] churchx (chu[Gb]rch)x
You b[Ab]etterx treat me like [Bbm] churchx (chu[Gb]rch)x
You b[Ab]etterx treat me like [Bbm] churchx (chu[Gb]rch)x
You b[Ab]etterx treat me like [Bbm] churchx (chu[Gb]rch)x
You b[Ab]etterx treat me like [Bbm] churchx (chu[Gb]rch)x
You b[Ab]etterx treat me like [Bbm] churchx (chu[Gb]rch)x
You b[Ab]etterx treat me like [Bbm] churchx (chu[Gb]rch)x
You b[Ab]etterx t[Db]reatx me l[Ab]ikex
I shouldn't let you
I let you take it o
You're saying sorry c
But you ne
Never say a pr
You b
You b
You b
|Bbm |Bbm
I shouldn't let you
I let you take it o
You're saying sorry c
But you ne
Never say a pra
You b
You b
You b
I let you take it o
You're saying sorry c
But you never, but you never
Never say a pr
You b
You b
You b
You b
You b
You b
You b
You b