Cheat Day chords

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Artist: Atlas
[Ab]Maybe it's the question, maybe it's the answer
[Db]I don't know the reason [Ab]now
And [Ab]maybe it's your eyelids, maybe it's the moonlight
But[Db] something beautiful sticks [Ab]out

[Ab]And i'm in my bedroom, watching through the window
[Ab]Stare at the sunlight, wonder where the time is going
[Db]You're in the bathroom
Crying with your shirt un[Ab]done
Now [Ab]we're on the freeway, speeding past a cop car
[Ab]Stole your mom's van, and took it for a test drive
And you're [Db]sat in the backseat
Looking at your best friend's [Ab]hair

And[Bbm] I wanna be [Fm]more than a ch[Db]eat day in your [Ab]diet plan
[Bbm]You can be the lungs, baby, [Fm]I can [Db]be the dia[Ab]phragm
Just [Bbm]breathe, just [Fm]breathe, and [Db]you'll be f[Ab]ine
Just [Bbm]breathe, just [Fm]breathe, i[Db]t happens all the [Ab]time
Used chords