An Undoing World chords

Transpose 0
[Em] [Am] [G] [D] [Em] [G] [Em]

[Em]By the time we're [Am]done with dancinge [G]elsewhere darling y[D]ou'll be glancing
[Em]And the night's a [Am]river-torrent t[D]earing us ap[G]art
[Em]Merely melo[Am]dy entwined us [G]easily the t[D]ies that bind us
Br[Em]eak in fibrill[G]ations of the h[Em]eart

[Em]Don't cry out or c[Am]ling in terror, d[G]arling that's a f[D]atal error
C[Em]linging to a s[Am]omebody you th[D]ought you knew was y[G]ours
D[Em]ispossession [Am]by attrition [G]is a perman[D]ent condition
T[Em]hat the wretched m[G]odern world en[Em]dures

You dr[D]ift away, you're c[G]arried by a stream
R[D]efugee a wanderer you r[Em]oam;
You l[D]ose your way, so [G]it will come to seem:
[B]No Place in Particular is [Em]home
You gl[D]ance away, your h[G]ouse has disappeared
The sw[D]eater you've been knitting has un[Em]purled
You l[D]ive adrift, and [G]everything you feared
C[B]omes to you in this undoing w[Em]orld

[Em]Copper-plated, n[Am]ailed together, b[G]uffeted by [D]ocean weather
[Em]Stands the Queen of [Am]Exiles and our m[D]other she may [G]be
[Em]Hollow-breasted b[Am]roken-hearted w[G]atching for her d[D]ear departed
[Em]For her children c[G]ast upon the [Em]sea

[Em]At her back the gr[Am]eat idyllic l[G]and of justice f[D]or exilic
[Em]Peoples ponders [Am]making justice pr[D]ivate propert[G]y
[Em]Darling never dr[Am]eam another w[G]oman might have b[D]een your mother
[Em]Someday you may [G]be a refug[Em]ee

A r[D]efugee, who's r[G]unning from the wars
H[D]iding from the fire-bombs they've [Em]hurled;
Et[D]ernally a p[G]erson out-of-doors
D[B]esperate in this undoing w[Em]orld

[Em] [Am] [G] [D]
[Em] [Am] [D] [G]
[Em] [Am] [G] [D]
[Em](x2[G]) [Em]

A r[D]efugee, who's r[G]unning from the wars
H[D]iding from the fire-bombs they've [Em]hurled;
Et[D]ernally a p[G]erson out-of-doors
D[B]esperate in this undoing w[Em]orld

[Em]Mother for your [Am]derelicted, ch[G]ildren from your w[D]omb evicted
Gr[Em]ant us shelter h[Am]arbor solcae s[D]afety, let us [G]in!
[Em]Let us tell you w[Am]here we traveled, h[G]ow our hopes our l[D]ives unraveled
[Em]How unwelcome [G]everywhere we've b[Em]een
Used chords
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