All In The Golden Afternoon chords

Trans. 0
Little [C] bread-and-butterx [Am] fliesx kiss the t [F] ulipsx [G] xxx ,
and the [C] sunx is like a [Am] toyx bal[G]loon.x
There are [C] getx up in the [C7] morningx g[F]lori   x [Dm]es,x
in the g[G]oldenx [F] afx [G7] terx [C] noon.x

T [C] herex are dizzy daffo[Am]dilsx on the [F] hillsidex [G] xxx ,
strings of v[C]ioletsx are [Am] allx in [G] tune,x
Tiger l[C]iliesx love the d[C7]andyx [F] lionx [Dm] s,xx
in the g[G]oldenx [F] afx [G7] terx [C] noon.x

[C] Therex are d[F]ogx and caterp[G]illarsx
and a c[C]opperx centipede,
where the l[D]azyx daisies love the very [G7] peacefulx l[G]ifex they [G7] lead.x

You can l[C]earnx a lot of [Am] thingsx from the [F] flowersx [G] xxx ,
for es[C]peciallyx in the m[Am]onthx of J[G]unex
There’s a [C] wealthx of happi[C7]nessx and r[F]omance,   x [Dm]xxxx
[C]allx [C7] inxx the [F] goldenx [G] afternx [C] oon.x
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