2s My Favorite 1 chords

Transpose 0
[D]Two hearts beat as o[A]ne
Disguise your m[D]ind and feel the p[Bm]ull
This drone, the b[G]uzz of our lo[D]ve
[D]In time we m[A]ove
This churning fac[D]tor, feel the gr[Bm]oove
Release the to[G]uch that moves y[D]ou

[F#m]Oh, this is h[D]er
No reg[A]rets
I em[Em]brace your de[Bm]fects to co[F#m]nfess you were my every w[G]ish
I ad[D]mit that I will n[G]ever feel alone
Once I call you H[D]ome

[D]Push towards the da[A]nce floor
And together we'll s[D]how them who's b[Bm]oss
We'll s[G]et a fire once m[D]ore

[F#m]Oh, this is h[D]er
No reg[A]rets
I e[Em]mbrace your d[Bm]efects to co[F#m]nfess you were my every w[G]ish
I ad[D]mit that I will n[G]ever feel alone
Once I call you H[D]ome

[G]Maybe it's [Bm]not now or la[D]ter
'Til you save the b[G]est for last
[Bm]I want to b[A]e everything y[G]ou need

[F#m]Oh, this is [D]her
No re[A]grets
I emb[Em]race your de[Bm]fects to co[F#m]nfess you were my every w[G]ish
I ad[D]mit that I will n[A]ever feel
No, I w[D]ill never feel al[Bm]one

[G]Our sum in mon[D]otone
While the re[A]cord spins a[Bm]round
Please turn me [G]over, sl[D]ide me into sl[A]eeve
Oh girl, please b[G]ring me h[D]ome
Used chords