2005 chords

Trans. 0
[C]Ixx woke up this morning
And real[Am]izedx
All I do is apologi[F]zex
For a song I wrote i[G]nxx 2005
Didn't come with a warn[C]ingx
But fame is unk[Am]indx
Put me on t[F]opx of the world
Couple of girls and th[G]enx
Left me behind

Sure, let's take a ph[C]otographx
You can show it t[Am]oxxx your friends and laugh
I'll tell you w[F]hatx I'm doing now
But you don't really wanna k[G]nowx

I wrote you a l[C]ovex song
Now it's something that you h[Am]atex on
And I'm sad the record's br[F]okenx
But I don't think I can w[G]ritex a better lo[C]vex song
Without it I'd be n[Am]oxxx one
And now that you've for[F]gottenx me
Tell me how to wr[G]itex one better

I'm not gonna l[C]iex
And say it didn't w[Am]orkx out
'cause I live in a b[F]igx house Made a few pounds
[G]Nicex car on the drive
And I went round the w[C]orldx once or twice
Saw the su[Am]nsetx and sunrise
But for big hig[F]hs,x there's a big price
When all you d[G]oxx is criticise

Sure, let's take a ph[C]otographx
You can show it t[Am]oxxx your friends and laugh
I'll tell you w[F]hatx I'm doing now
But you don't really wanna k[G]nowx

I wrote you a l[C]ovex song
Now it's something that you h[Am]atex on
And I'm sad the record's br[F]okenx
But I don't think I can w[G]ritex a better lo[C]vex song
Without it I'd be n[Am]oxxx one
And now that you've for[F]gottenx me
Tell me how to wr[G]itex one better

[C] xxx [Am] xxxx [F] xxx
But I don't think I can w[G]ritex a better lo[C]vex song

I wrote you a l[C]ovex song
Now it's something that you h[Am]atex on
And I'm sad the record's br[F]okenx
But I don't think I can w[G]ritex a better lo[C]vex song
Without it I'd be n[Am]oxxx one
And now that you've for[F]gottenx me
Tell me how to wr[G]itex one better

[C]Ixx woke up this morning
And real[Am]izedx
All I do is apologi[F]zex
For a song I wrote i[G]nxx 2005
Used chords
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Am X
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