13 Minutes chords
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[Bb] xxxx [F] xxx [Gm] xxxx [Eb] xxxx
[Bb]Layingx on the flo[F]orx again,
[Gm]Can’tx understand what’s going thro[Eb]ughx my head.
[Bb]Thex tears won’t stop,
[F]Pouringx down my face.
[Gm]There’sx not much [F] xxx more I can ta[Eb]ke.x
[Eb]Ixxx feel like I’m c[F]hained,x
[Bb]imprisonedx i[A/Bb]nsidex my min[Gm]d.xx
[Eb]Allx I’m doing is [F] tryin’x to survive.
[Bb]Pleasex tell me that I’l[A/Bb]lxxxxx make it [Gm] xxxx out alive [F] xxx ?
[Bb]Ixxx don’t know how,
[F]Tox get out of this mess.
[Gm]Butx in 13 minutes,
[Eb]Youx fix all my distress.
[Bb]Whenx you stare at me with those g[A/Bb]orgeousx eyes,
[Gm]Ixxx forget how to talk and all I can do is sm[Eb]ile.x
Because you’re the o[Eb]nexx for [F] xxx me
The reason[Eb] xxxx I feel free [F] xxx .
[Bb]Thex way you smile at me,
[F]Ixx know you’ll love me every day.
[Gm]Ixxx hope that you know,
[Eb]Ixxx have always felt the same.
[Bb]Noxx matter what will come,
[F]You’llx be there to stay.
[Gm]Foreverx in my heart,
[Eb]Cuzx nothing can tear us apart.
[Eb]Ixxx feel like I’m ch[F]ained,x
[Bb]imprisonedx inside my [Gm] mind.x
[Eb] Allx I’m doing is t[F]ryingx to survive.
[Bb]Pleasex tell me tha[A/Bb]txxxxx I’ll make it o[Gm]utxx alive?[F]xxx
[Bb]Ixxx don’t know how,
[F]Tox get out of this mess.
[Gm]Butx in 13 minutes,
[Eb]Youx fix all my distress.
[Bb]Whenx you stare at me with those go[A/Bb]rgeousx eyes,
[Gm]Ixxx forget how to talk and all I can do [Eb] isxx smile.
Because you’re the[Eb] xxxx one for [F] mex
The reason[Eb] xxxx I feel free [F] xxx .
[Cm]Andx I hope you don’t [F] dropx me
[Gm]Cuzx darling I know I will c[Eb]rackx
[Cm]I’mx so grateful you l[F]ovex me
[Gm]Cuzx you’re the only thing keeping me intac[F]t.x
[Bb]Ixxx don’t know how,
[F]Tox get out of this mess.
[Gm]Butx in 13 minutes,
[Eb]Youx fix all my distress.
[Bb]Whenx you stare at me with those [A/Bb] xxxxxx gorgeous eyes,
[Gm]Ixxx forget how to talk and all I can do is [Eb] xxxx smile.
Because you’re the[Eb] xxxx one for me [F] xxx ,
[Eb]Thex reason I feel f[Bb]ree.x
Because you’re the o
The reason
Because you’re the
The reason
Because you’re the