Thing In A Jar chords

Trans. 0
Tuning: [Eb] x - [Ab] x - Db-Gb-Bb-eb (Half-Step Down)

**** NOTES ****

All chords are barre chords or you can substitue them for 5th note chords (power chords), but remember, the
tuning is half step down. I'll tab the chords as well, to help out with anyone that doesn't know their
barre chord locations in half-step down tuning.

---- CHORDS USED ----

Am, Fm, Em

eb|----- eb|----- eb|-----
Bb|----- Bb|----- Bb|-----
Am - Gb|--3-- Fm - Gb|----- Em - Gb|-----
Db|--3-- Db|--4-- Db|--3--
Ab|--1-- Ab|--4-- Ab|--3--
Eb|----- Eb|--2-- Eb|--1--



[Am] xxxx outside [Fm] rainbows,x mon[Em]ster'sx mouth [Fm] xxxx
strangers s[Am]tillx split i[Fm]ntox two peop[Em]lexx
[Fm]laughingx and smol[Am]derx
we tu[Fm]rnxx into chil[Em]drenx
with [Fm] donkeyx tails and e[Am]arsx
the [Fm] puppeteersx pretty [Em] xxxx one hangs [Fm] inxx the doorw[Am]ayxx


i'm your [Fm] thingx in a j[Em]ar,x [Fm] allx illuminated[Am]xxxx
at night the m[Fm]oonx eats the st[Em]arsx
and we are [Fm] allx illuminated[Am]xxxx
i have a rag[Fm]exxx but its not ha[Em]tredx
al[Fm]lxxx illuminat[Am]edxx
its just [Fm] allx illuminat[Em]edxx
al[Fm]lxxx illuminat[Am]edxx [Fm] xxxx [Em] xxxx  
[Fm]allx illuminat[Am]edxx [Fm] xxxx [Em] xxxx [Fm] xxxx


[Am] xxxx thought i heard a so[Fm]ngxx in your voice
but i [Em] wasx wrong [Fm] xxxx
[Am] xxxx thought i heard your so[Fm]ngxx in my head
but it was my [Em] ownx [Fm] xxxx
[Am] xxxx I once held it in my h[Fm]andx for awhile bu[Em]txxx now it's gone [Fm] xxxx
[Am] xxxx thought i heard your so[Fm]ngxx in my head
but it was my [Em] ownx [Fm] xxxx


i'm your [Fm] thingx in a j[Em]ar,x [Fm] allx illuminated[Am]xxxx
at night the m[Fm]oonx eats the st[Em]arsx
and we are [Fm] allx illuminated[Am]xxxx
i have a rag[Fm]exxx but its not ha[Em]tredx
al[Fm]lxxx illuminat[Am]edxx
its just [Fm] allx illuminat[Em]edxx
al[Fm]lxxx illuminat[Am]edxx [Fm] xxxx [Em] xxxx  
[Fm]allx illuminat[Am]edxx [Fm] xxxx [Em] xxxx [Fm] xxxx [Am] xxxx
Used chords
Eb X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
Ab X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
Am X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
Fm X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
Em X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
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