Steve Martin chords & sheets

There are total 14 results.
(Intro starts without guitar) [G] [D] [Am] [C] [G] [D] [G] [VERSE 1] [G]When I'm gone theres nothing right Missing you con[D]nect by skype [Am]I think about you [C]every night [G]And all[D] day lo[G]ng [G]In my mind I catch a glimpse of you it's been a [D]long time since [Am]We've been in the...
[A]Christians have their hymns and pages, (hymns and pages) Hava Nagila's for the [E7]Jews, Baptists [A]have the rock of ages, (rock of ages) Atheists just [D]sing the [A]blues. [A]Romantics play Claire de Lune, (Claire de Lune) Born agains sing He is [E7]risen, But no one [A]ever wrote a tune,...
[INTRO] [E] [A] [E] [A] (x2) [D] [A] [D] [E] (x2) [VERSE 1] [E]Things were [D]nice [A]in [E]Cali[D]fornia [E]Loved our [D]trip [A]out [E]to the [D]coast [E]Did I [D]say [A]your [E]mother [D]phoned us [D]You are [A]my [D]best [E]love [D] [A] [D] [E] [VERSE 2] [E]You look in [D]good [A]in...
[INTRO] [Dm] [C] [G] [Dm] C G C (x2 and hold the last C for four beats) [VERSE] [Dm]Can you tell me why you left me standing [G]in the [C]parking [G]structure [Dm]Caroline, I was the almost perfect [G]boyfriend, [C]ever, [G]for you [Dm]And, you even said that to me, one time, [G]at the [C]Olive...
[INTRO] [C] [G] [C] [C] [G] [Dm7] [Dm] [Dm/F] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C]You've been a [G]friend of m[C]ine [C]For such a [G]long, long [Dm7]time [Dm]Made me la[Dm/F]ugh and s[C]een me c[G]ry [C]Called me to say [G]hi [Dm]The wo[F]rld ...
If you k[G]new my s[G]tory, you'd h[C]ave a hard t[G]ime Bel[C]ieving [G]me You'd t[G]hink I was l[D]ying J[G]oy and s[G]orrow [C]never l[G]ast I[C]'ll die t[G]rying not to l[D]ive in the p[G]ast If you k[D]new my s[G]tory My h[D]eaven and my [G]hell If you k[D]new my s[G]tory You'd h[G]ave a good...
CAPO 2 If I g[D]ave you pretty flow[G]ers If I to[D]ok you out to dinn[A]er If we wa[D]lked on by the riv[G]er Would y[D]ou invi[D]te [A]me i[D]n If we [D]sat down on the sof[G]a If I to[D]ld you funny stori[A]es If I m[D]oved a little close[G]r Woul[D]d you [D]put your h[A]and in [D]mine  ...
CAPO 2 [D] [G] [D] [A] [D] If I g[D]ave you pretty flow[G]ers If I to[D]ok you out to dinn[A]er If we wa[D]lked on by the riv[G]er Would you [D]invite [A]me [D]in If we [D]sat down on the sof[G]a If I to[D]ld you funny stori[A]es If I m[D]oved a little close[G]r Would you [D]put your hand...
[D]Thrown off the b[A]ridge To the [D]river by the [G]ridge Was the [D]iron mountain [G]bab[D]y [D]A man walking [A]by Said he h[D]eard a little[G] cry And he f[D]ound him in a s[A]uitc[D]ase [D]Fifty feet d[A]own from the t[D]rain to the g[G]round It's a [D]miracle that he [A]sur[D]vived [D]What...
[D] [D/C#] [Bm] (Bm/C#) I like your Siamese cat [D] [D/C#] [Bm] (Bm/C#) I like your cowboy hat [D]But I don't[D/C#] like you[Bm]r daug[G]hter [A] [D] [D/C#] [Bm] (Bm/C#) She's just so spoilt and mean [D] [D/C#] [Bm] (Bm/C#) A regular teenage ...
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