Laura Story chords & sheets

There are total 25 results.
Capo 5th Fret [Am] [G] [D] [C] [D] [Bm] [Am] [G] [D] [C] [C]We pra[D]y for blessings[Em] [C]We pra[D]y for p[Bm]eace [C]Comfor[D]t for f[Em]amily, protec[D]tion while we sleep [C] [C]We pra[D]y for healing [Em] [C]For pro[D]sperit[Bm]y [C]We pray [D]for Your mighty[Em] hand to ...
[INTRO] [Em] [C] [G] [D] [Em] [C] [G] x 2 [VERSE 1] May the gr[G]ace that sought my heart on that first day Be the g[Em]race that bin[D]ds my heart to stay [G] May the tr[G]uth that opened up my e[Em]yes on that first tim[D]e Be the t[C]houghts on my mind[D] that never go away [G] [PRE-CHORUS 1]...
Verse 1:[G] Do you remember The last hand that was held out to[Em] you, The last time you heard the words i[C]nviting you to come, The last time there were arms open[D] wide for you Do you r[C]emember Ever kn[G]owing anyone Who[Em] saw you as someone Who [C]called you by name and said Chorus:...
[INTRO] [D#m] [F#] [D#m] [F#] [VERSE 1] You have sh[D#m]own us what is ho[F#]ly How to bl[D#m]ess the Father's he[F#]art To act ju[D#m]stly, and love me[F#]rcy To walk hu[D#m]mbly with our G[F#]od [PRE-CHORUS] [C#]This is who You are [B] [C#]This is who You are [B] [CHORUS] Friend of...
Intro: [G] [G]Amy she [Cadd9]lives down the st[G]reet And her hu[Em]sband left her j[D]ust last w[Cadd9]eek. She fe[Cadd9]els like giving u[D]p, But she's hol[G]ding on to ho[Cadd9]pe. [G]John lost his [Cadd9]job six mo[G]nths ago. He's g[Em]ot a wife, three k[D]ids at h[Cadd9]ome. Doesn't...
[INTRO] [C] [F] [C] [F] [VERSE] [C]When everything around me's [F]shaken [C]When trials tempt me to d[F]espair And I[Am] feel like my own heart has [F]hardened Towa[Am]rds sorrow that's[C] too great t[F]o bear [CHORUS] [F]When life has m[C]e disil[Am]lusione[G]d [F]When hostility and h[C]atred...
[Introduction:] [C] [Am] [F] [C] [F] [VERSE 1] It m[C]ay take time, on this jo[Am]urney slow [C]What l[F]ies ahead, I'm not s[Dm]ure I know But the h[C]and that holds this f[Am]lailing soul [G] [F]He will n[G]ot let g[C]o [VERSE 2] There m[C]ay be days, when I can[Am]not breathe There ma[F]y be...
[INTRO] [G] [Em] [C] [VERSE 1] [C]I saw a vision of the L[G]ord In a world where all was fa[Em]lling apart In a day when kingdoms r[C]ise and f[D]all I saw the L[G]ord [VERSE 2] He sat upon His throne on h[G]igh His royal robe filled the t[Em]emple grounds With smoke cascading like bi[C]llowing...
Intro: Piano Interlude following chords: [Bb] [Bb/C] [Gm] [Eb] (1x) [VERSE 1] [Bb]I've been doing all that[Bb/A] I can To hold it all to[Gm]gether Piece by [Eb]piece. [Bb]I've been feeling like a[Bb/A] failure, Trying to be br[Gm]aver Than I could ever b[Eb]e. It's just not [Cm]me. [CHORUS]...
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