God Of Every Story chords
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Intro: [G] xxx
[G] Amyx she [Cadd9] livesxx down the st[G]reetx
And her hu[Em]sbandx left her j[D]ustx last w[Cadd9]eek.xxx
She fe[Cadd9]elsxxxx like giving u[D]p,x
But she's hol[G]dingx on to ho[Cadd9]pe.xxxx
[G]Johnx lost his [Cadd9] jobxxxx six mo[G]nthsx ago.
He's g[Em]otxx a wife, three k[D]idsx at h[Cadd9]ome.xxx
Doesn't k[Cadd9]nowxxxx what to d[D]o,x
He's pra[G]yingx for a br[Cadd9]eakthrough.x
[Am]Somex wanna raise a fist up [Em] xxxx high,
[Am]Blamex all the hard things on the Fa[Em]therx in the sky,
But He he[Cadd9]arsxxxx when we ca[D]ll.x
We can tr[G]ustx Him through it a[Cadd9]ll.xxxx
He's the G[G]odx of [Cadd9] everyxx sto[Dsus4]ry,xxxx [D] xxx
He se[G]esx each te[Cadd9]arxxxxx that fa[Dsus4]lls.xxx [D] xxx
We m[G]ayx not unde[Cadd9]rstandx but on[D]exx thing is cer[Em]tain.x
He is fai[Cadd9]thful,x He's a fait[D]hfulx Go[G]d.x
[G]Jordan'sx had a lif[Cadd9]etimexx of hard d[G]aysx
And[Em] allx the pills won't t[D]akex the [Cadd9] painxxx away,
But be[Cadd9]forexxx he hits the grou[D]ndx
He see Me[G]rcyx reaching d[Cadd9]own.xxx
He's the G[G]odx of ev[Cadd9]eryxxxx sto[Dsus4]ry,xxxx [D] xxx
He se[G]esx each te[Cadd9]arxxxxx that fal[Dsus4]ls.xxxx [D] xxx
We m[G]ayx not unde[Cadd9]rstandx but on[D]exx thing is cer[Em]tain.x
He is fai[Cadd9]thful,x He's a fait[D]hfulx Go[Am]d.xx
His ways are ho[Cadd9] lierxxx
[G] xxx Than we could ever compreh [D] end.x
[Am] xxxx When our world is sha[Cadd9]king,xx
He holds us in the p[G]almx of His ha[D]nd.x
Young M[G]artinx is t[Cadd9]hankfulx he's al[G]ive;x
The do[Em]ctorsx said he m[D]ightx not su[Cadd9]rvive.x
That was se[Cadd9]venxxxx years a [D] gox
[G] xxx What a mi[Cadd9]racle.x
And n[G]owx there's this [Cadd9] xxxxxxx new baby g[G]irlx
And w[Em]ithx one breath she's cha[D]ngedx our whole w[Cadd9]orld.xx
Some s[Cadd9]ayxxxxx she looks like d[D]ad,x
But she lo[G]oksx like grace to [Cadd9] me.xxxx
Your g[G]racex to [D] me.x
You're the G[G]odx of ev[Cadd9]eryxxxx sto[Dsus4]ry,xxxx [D] xxx
You s[G]eex each te[Cadd9]arxxxxx that fal[Dsus4]ls.xxxx [D] xxx
We m[G]ayx not unde[Cadd9]rstandx but on[D]exx thing is cer[Em]tain.x
You are fa[Cadd9]ithful,x You are fait[D]hful.x
You're the G[G]odx of e[Cadd9]veryxxx st[Dsus4]ory,xxx [D] xxx
No ma[G]tterx what I'm g[Cadd9]oingxxx thr[Dsus4]ough.xx [D] xxx
I[G] mayx not un[Cadd9]derstand,x Yo[D]uxx are God and [Em] xxxx I am just a m[Cadd9]an.xxxx
Ye[D]ahx I'm forever tr[Em]ustingx in Your p[Cadd9]lan.xxx
[D]Onex thing is ce[Em]rtainx
You are fait[Cadd9]hful,xx You're a fai[D]thfulx G[G]od.x
And her hu
She fe
But she's hol
He's g
Doesn't k
He's pra
But He he
We can tr
He's the G
He se
We m
He is fai
But be
He see Me
He's the G
He se
We m
He is fai
His ways are ho
He holds us in the p
Young M
The do
That was se
And n
And w
Some s
But she lo
Your g
You're the G
You s
We m
You are fa
You're the G
No ma
You are fait